Victorovich Kikin

Russia • 1898−1963

Biographie et informations

Born in D. there the Nizhny Novgorod province. He graduated from the VHUTEIN (Moscow 1925-1930). He worked in easel and monumental , the advantage of portrait sculpture. The author of a number of historical images of scientists and national heroes. Member of the Union of artists of Russia since 1934. With 1927т year - participant of regional exhibitions. Exhibitor of the Republican (Moscow, 1941, 1951, 1952, 1955, 1957, 1960), all-Union (Moscow 1942, 1957) art exhibitions. Taught at Sverdlovsk art College (1932-1933). Solo exhibition: Bitter 1959.

Born in Veracosa 04 Dec 1898. [26]. After studying at the Nizhny Novgorod gymnasium he graduated with a Gold medal (as his father and older brother Basil) Nizhny Novgorod Nobility Institute (now the Lenin library, Nizhny Novgorod). In 1919. he was drafted into the Red Army, served in Novocherkassk, then in Chita. In November 1922. - was discharged and began work as an artist in Newspapers and in parallel – learning in the Chita art-industrial school.

In 1924. he entered the Higher Art Technical Institute (vkhutein). His later teachers were the artists P. V. Kuznetsov, P. V. Miturich and the founder of the Soviet design of V. E. Tatlin.

Andrey Kikin married in 1927, Lyudmila Yakovlevna Hodakova. In 1928 in Vyshny Volochek (Tver region) was born the son of a Dal. After graduating from the higher art and technical Institute, he was invited to work in Sverdlovsk, in the newspaper "Ural worker" and the following eight years (1931-1938) the family lives in Sverdlovsk, where in 1934 a daughter, Irina.In 1937. in A. V. Kikin took part in the competition to design a fountain in front of the Sverdlovsk Palace of Pioneers under the motto "Falcon" and took 1st place. A fountain is sitting in the middle of the pool boy holding a huge fish. Mouth fish byot fountain, around the circumference of the pool frogs from each of them shoots a jet of water to the center. Posed to the Pope during the work on the figure of a boy son, D. A. Kikin. During this period stops Kikin hall, a mansion and three months living Teacher - V. E. Tatlin, when he comes as an art Director at the Sverdlovsk Opera theatre. In 1937. A. V. Kikin was admitted to the Union of Artists and Association of Artists of the USSR as a sculptor.But storm clouds are gathering... In 1937. the older brother, a brilliant engineer on construction of railway bridges on the Turkestan-Siberia railway, Vasily V. Kikin, was arrested as an "enemy of the people" (about his death reported only in 1943.) And in the Sverdlovsk region in the entryway to the house where the family lived Kikin hall, a mansion, of the four apartments three are sealed... In December 1937. in the evening came the neighbor's house - a member of the NKVD, who knew our family: "Andrey, you came to the denunciation. My advice to you, seek you most likely will not...".In early 1938. the family moved to Gorky. During this period, made monuments to Maxim Gorky, V. P. Chkalov, scientists self-taught I. Kulibin.In October of 1941. the artillery designer V. G. Grabin invites A.V. Kikin in the Department of Chief Designer of plant No. 92 CNIIA – Artillery Weapons (the plant was evacuated to Gorky) to design technical drawings for newly created units. About three years given technical drawing. When the Germans approached Moscow, in Gorky evacuated Teacher - V. E. Tatlin in the period from October 1941. in January of 1942. - together with the son of the artist Vladimir Vladimirovich (in honor of V. V. Mayakovsky) - again live at Kikin hall, a mansion on St. Krasnoflotskaya, house 112. (In 1942. Vladimir Tatlin turned 18, he was drafted into the Soviet Army, after a quick "shooting courses" went to the front and died in the same 1942.)In April 1947., after the return of the plant CNIIA in Podlipki (Moscow region), V. G. Grabin again invited the sculptor to his Institute No. 92 to continue. In parallel with work in Institute A. V. Kikin continues to work on sculpture in the reserved for him at the Institute a large heated workshop. Here was created sculptural works: "Song of victory", "Bust Sergo Ordzhonikidze" (marble), "Burevestnik". During this period, A. V. Kikin with his son-a student Mikhma Dahl often on butcher P. V. Miturich and in-house architects and artists at the Bottom Maslovka in V. E. Tatlin.Spacious and bright workshop, which V. G. Grabin gave the sculptor the on-site private defense company, had one very significant disadvantage – a workshop for artists, critics, spectators was very difficult to organize: it was necessary to reconcile and to get permission First... So at the beginning of 1949. A. V. Kikin terminates in the Institute of number 92 and is returned to the Bitter. More than one year A. V. Kikin devoted to the image of the Russian patriot Kozma Minin. In the years of the great Patriotic War he began this work. In 1949 1950гг he continues to work on the image of Minin and Minin puts the bust in marble. In 1950. a marble bust was installed on the corner of the street Minina in the area of the square of Minin. In 1958. finalizing a bas-relief of Peter I to the memorial plaque at the House of Peter I. In connection with the 50th anniversary of the Russian revolution of 1905. creates the work "people's Anger" (1955, grey marble), working on the pediment of the facade of the House of culture of the plant "Engine of revolution". The composition consists of 3 pieces: an old minstrel, a violinist and ballerina. In 1957. the exhibition of A. V. Kikin presented two sculptures: "Steelworker" (bronze) and the song "Alesha Peshkov".A great number of that time devoted to children: "Barca" (1952, cast iron), "Natalia", "Children" (1956, cast iron), "To the stars" (1953, gypsum). Work "To the stars" anticipates the flight of Yuri Gagarin into space boy astronaut sitting astride a rocket, in his belt he had a moon, it is necessary to capture even just a few stars.Many were created by artist and graphic works devoted family: son, daughter, wife, done in oil, watercolor, pastel, pencil.

In Gorky (now Nizhny Novgorod) left a lot of monuments and decorative sculptures by A. V. Kikin: "Reindeer" on the gate of the Factory and the tower of the Kremlin, the decorative sculpture at the hotel Russia, a bust of N. And.Sablikova-Samarina in the foyer of the drama theatre, "Alesha Peshkov" of Kashirin house, Lobachevsky at the University, Bitter and Kulibin in the Park Kulibina, Minin street Minina, Katyusha Peshkov – the tombstone on the grave of the daughter of the writer, the bas-relief on the house where he lived artist N. And.Sobolshchikov-Samarin.

Died A. V. Kikin in 1963. 09 September 1999 to 101 anniversary of the birth of Gorky square, on the house where lived the last years sculptor, was a memorial plaque. Wife Lyudmila Hodakova (1906-1976). Two children: Dahl (1928) and Irina (1934).