Nikolayevich Kostetsky

Russia • 1905−1968

Biographie et informations

Novokreschenov wife Galina, the sculptor, the author of the monument to Leo Tolstoy and Dostoevsky in Moscow, etc., son Kostecki Alexander, artist, member of Union of artists of Ukraine, graphic artist and sculptor.

[28.8(10.9).1905, village of the Hills, now Koryukovka of Chernihiv region, district, - 26.5.1968, Kiev].

Soviet painter, people's artist of the USSR (1960), corresponding member AH the USSR (1967). Member of the CPSU since 1940.

He studied at the Kiev art Institute (1922-28) under Fyodor Krichevsky; taught there (from 1937; Professor since 1947).

Primarily a genre painter. During the great Patriotic war of 1941-45 served posters, leaflets, portraits and drawings.

The best works Kostecki differ in the rigour of development of the plot, the psychological credibility of the characters ("the Interrogation of the enemy", 1937, "Return", 1947, "the Awarding of party ticket", 2nd option, 1959, everything in the Museum of Ukrainian fine arts of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev).

Awarded the order "badge of Honor" and medals.