Georgievich Ryazhsky

Russia • 1895−1952

Biographie et informations

(1895, p. Ignatieff near Moscow – 1952, Moscow)

The author of genre works and portraits of his contemporaries. In the late 1920s he created a series of portraits of women, which has become the canonical images of Soviet women. For the painting "Delegate" (1927) and "the Chairwoman" (1928) was awarded the Grand gold medal of the International exhibition of 1937 in Paris. In 1910-1915 he studied in Moscow at Prechistensky workers evening courses in drawing classes. Attended classes in the Studio of Anna Golubkina (1917). Studied in GShM at Kazimir Malevich (1918-1920). 1922 – the organizer and participant of exhibition "New society of painters" (N.About.W.). Since 1923 - member AHRR. Taught in Vhuteine in Moscow (1929-1931), Professor of MIII – MGHI them. V. I. Surikov (1934-1952). Honored artist of the RSFSR. Member of the Academy of arts of the USSR. In the period 1949-1952 – academician-Secretary of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of. Works are in state Tretyakov gallery, state Russian Museum, Kiev Museum of Russian art, the Rostov Museum of fine arts and other collections.

The honored worker of arts of RSFSR, the full member of the USSR Academy of arts. Portraitist, author of a series of portraits-paintings devoted to image of Soviet women. Born in 1895 in the village of Ignatievo (ex. Serpukhov district, Moscow province), died in 1952. Studied in 1910-1915 gg. Prechistensky formal course work in A. S. Golubkina N. N. Komarovsky, in 1917-1919 in the Study with the K - Malevich. One of the organizers of the "New society of painters" (1921). Participant of art exhibitions since 1923. Major works: "Delegate" (1927, TG), "the Chair" (1928, TG), "self-Portrait" (1928, RM), "collective Farm woman" (1931, Tretyakov gallery), "Portrait of chuvachki" (1932, TG), "the Chuvash, the teacher" (1932, TG), "Skier" (1932, Kiev Museum of Russian art), "Politised" (1933, Ryazan regional art Museum), "the girl in the red beret" (1933, Kiev Museum of Russian art), "The letter" (1939, state Russian Museum), "Girlfriends" (1947, TG), "portrait of the commander of the guerrilla unit Bati" (1942, TG).