Only a registered Arthive user can add a gallery. Log in and go to "Gallery" option, select "Add Gallery or Museum". You need to complete four steps: enter general information about a gallery/museum (name, contacts, website etc.), information about exhibition hall (if available) and working hours, indicate artworks you sell/buy and methods of payment and delivery. Press "Ready" when you fill out all fields.
Go to "Collection" option and press "Add Artwork". If you want to add several artworks, press "Add Another Picture" in the addition window.
If the author of the artwork is already in Arthive, the system prompts you to select this author from a drop-down list. Use this function to avoid duplicating artist page.
If the author is not in the Arthive, the system automatically creates his/her page and you will be able to manage it. After you added the artwork it is recommended to go to the author's page and add some information about the author - this will promote users' interest to the artwork.
Read Arthive recommendation for preparing an artwork for sale. When you add an artwork, flag "Put Artwork On Sale" and specify required information: price, payment and delivery methods.