Honored artist of the TSSR. Member of the International Academy of Art. Born in 1934 in Tashkent. He studied at the Leningrad higher school of industrial art, the former Stieglitz, the Department of General painting. 1952-1954.g. Teacher in painting - Tymoshenko. Called to active duty in the Navy, Baltic fleet. After demobilizacii graduated from the Turkmen State art College named. Shota Rustaveli theatrical-decorative Department. /1959./ Teachers: Workshop of Peter Kondratievich Ershova, decorative art; Aman Guliyev, people's artist of the TSSR - painting; Muzafar Danishwar, honored artist of the TSSR of the figure. Degree work - sketches of scenery and costumes for the Opera Yu Shaporin "Decembrists". Studied at VGIK /1959- 1962/ on hudojestvennom faculty. Workshop of I. A. Shpinel, the honored worker of arts of RSFSR. Teachers: Head. the Department of painting - Yuri Ivanovich Pimenov, people's artist of USSR, Professor; Sergei Mikhailovich Kamanin, honored artist of the RSFSR - painting. In 1970 he graduated from the courses of the creative employees of institutions of the arts. The Ministry of culture of the USSR. Courses-seminar on the major artists of the theatres of the Union republics. Trainings were conducted by: Boris Volkov, people's artist of the USSR, the main artist of the Maly theater Valentin Pluchek, people's artist of the USSR, the main Director of theatre "Satire". 1976. All-Union Institute of advanced training RABOTNIKOV culture. A group of artists of the theatre. Director: Alexander Pavlovich Vasiliev, people's artist of the RSFSR, full member of the USSR Academy of arts. Since 1963 actively working as art Director in theatres and cinemas. Khabarovsk regional theatre of the muses.Comedy, composer I. Ipatov "marki", Ashgabat Russian drama theatre. A. S. Pushkin, S. Mikhalkov "Foam"; V. Voinovich "Adventures of private Ivan Chonkin"; W. Shakespeare "the Two gentlemen of Verona", A. Arbuzov's "old-Fashioned Comedy", etc. of the Turkmen State. Academic theatre of Opera and ballet. Magtymguly. Opera by P. Tchaikovsky "Queen of spades" ballet by A. Khachaturyan's "Gayane". Academic drama theatre. Molla-Nepes. K. Kuliev "the Ambassador of the Emir"; Pogodin "Kremlin chimes", etc. production designer feature films: "Makhtumkuli", "the adventures of dowran". /Turkmenfilm/. "The secret of the ancestors", "sunrise over the Ganges." /Tajikfilm together with the Indian filmmakers/; "Serving the Fatherland" /Uzbekfilm/; "the Deserter" /Studio them.Gorky /; 30-minute serial, a documentary film "Righteous path". /Moscow Studio AKVO/ etc. the Director of the documentary film "Song of water", "Wizards near us" /Turkmenfilm/ etc. was Awarded the badge "excellence in cinematography of the USSR"/14.08.1979/. Constant participant of all-Union art exhibitions. Section PAINTING. Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege", Central house of artists. Works purchased in the state museums of the USSR. State Tretyakov gallery: "Komsomol wedding" /1978/; "Karakum canal - the lifeline of friendship of peoples of the USSR". In the museums of the cities of Moscow, Nizhny Tagil, Krasnodar, Saransk, ples. In museums blijnego countries: Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kirgistan, Tajikistan. V. A. Artikov participated in the International Triennial "Belgrade 80". Awards under section painting. "The diploma of the Union of artists of the USSR" for his film "Komsomol wedding. /1978./ "The diploma of the USSR Academy of Arts" /1982./for painting "Visit of friendship" /1979/ "the Opening of the monument" /1980/
1980. "Gold medal" TLC Russia /2007/; The medal "badge of honor" the International Academy of Art /2008./; Medal of the Russian Academy of Arts "Shuvalov" /2009./. Lives and works in Moscow.
He was born in 1934 in Tashkent. The fine art studied at the Turkmen state art College named. Shota Rustaveli, Leningrad higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina, all-Russia state Institute of cinematography. S. A. Gerasimov.
A member of the creative unions of the USSR Union of artists since 1973: the Creative Union of artists (TLC) of Russia, Moskovskoe branch of the Union of artists (MOSH) of Russia, the Moscow Union of artists (USDA). Since 1968 member of the Union of cinematographers of Russia. Painter.
Full member (Academician) of International Academy of Art. The honored worker of arts of Turkmenistan; the Laureate of the USSR Union. Awarded a Diploma of the USSR Academy of Arts, the Badge "excellence in Cinematography of the USSR", a Silver medal VDNH USSR, the Gold medal of the creative Union of artists of Russia; "Honorary badge" the International Academy of art for creativity, personal contribution to the development of science, culture, the spiritual improvement of the nation, strengthening friendship between peoples.
Participant of all-Union, regional and international exhibitions, international Triennial of contemporary art "Belgrade-80" (Yugoslavia,
1980), the International painting exhibition in USA "the Road to the stars" under the auspices of the famous science fiction writer ray Bradbury (new York, 1990).
The artist's works are in the Tretyakov Gallery, the State Museum of fine arts of Russia, in museums of the CIS countries, private collections in USA, England, Norway, Hungary, Turkey.
All-Union art exhibition
1978 "60 heroic years". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege". February-March
1978 "Young guards of the country of Soviets". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege". October-November
1979 "Blue roads of the Motherland". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege".
1979 "Physical culture and sport in fine art". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege".
1980 "110 anniversary of the birth of Vladimir Lenin". Moscow. CHA.
1981 "We are building communism". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege".
1981 "Land and people". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege".
1982 "USSR – our homeland". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege".
1983 "Aeroflot – 60 years." Moscow. Exhibition hall on Tverskaya.
1983 "On guard of achievements of socialism". Moscow. CHA.
1985 "40 years of victory". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege".
1986 "the Soviet art". From the collection of the Tretyakov gallery – the national art gallery of the USSR. Moscow. TG.
1985 "art of Turkmenistan". To the 60-anniversary of the Turkmen SSR, the 100th anniversary of the voluntary entry of Turkmenistan into Russia. Moscow. CHA
1986 "Space for peace". Moscow. CHA
1987 "The Land Of The Soviets". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege"
1988 "On guard of achievements of socialism". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege"
Regional art exhibition of the Russian Federation
1998 "Autumn 98". The Ministry of agriculture. Moscow. Kuznetsk bridge, 11
1999 "regional exhibition 1999". Moscow. CHA
1999 "ART Gallery". Moscow. CHA
2000 "Golden brush". X anniversary exhibition of paintings dedicated to the 55 anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war 1941-1945 "New Manege"
2001 "Moscow international art salon 2001". Moscow. CHA
2003 Personal exhibition in the Moscow Kremlin. Moscow. The Kremlin. The Arsenal room.
2004 "autumn exhibition MOSH Russia". Moscow. Exhibition hall of Union of artists of Russia on a Treadmill
Personal exhibition of the 70 th anniversary of the birth (the anniversary of V. A. Artykova). Moscow. Exhibition hall of Union of artists of Russia on a Treadmill
2005 Exhibition "Together". Moscow. "Gallery Belyaevo". January
2004-2005 "Christmas on Begovaya". Moscow. MOSH Russia
2005 "Moscow-2005". Moscow. "Gallery on Solyanka". TLC Russia
2005 Personal exhibition. "Ozerov's house", Kolomna
2005 "Quiet life". Moscow. Arts
2006 "the seasons". Moscow. CHA
2006 Solo exhibition. Exhibition hall of Podolsk
2006 "Moscow-2006". "Gallery on Solyanka". TLC Russia. August
2006 "Graphic works by old and modern masters". Stavropol. TLC Russia
2006 "Man and nature". "Ozerov's house", Kolomna. TLC Russia
2006 "Nude on a Treadmill". Halls of Union of artists of Russia on a Treadmill. MOSH Russia
2007 "Spectrum". Moscow. CHA. TLC Russia. MA
2007 "Green noise". Contemporary landscape painting. Plyos Museum and preserve, Plyos.
2007 Association "Spectrum". The painting exhibition. Moscow. "Gallery Vyhino"
2007 "exhibition of the creative Union of artists of Russia". Moscow. "Gallery Vykhino". March
2007 "75 years of Moscow Union of artists". Moscow. "Gallery Belyaevo". The Ministry of agriculture. TLC Russia. July
2007 "My family". Halls of Union of artists of Russia on a Treadmill. MOSH Russia
2007 "Moscow 2007". Moscow. "Gallery on Solyanka". TLC Russia
2007 Exhibition of the academicians and corresponding members of International Academy "Creativity". Academy of the interior Ministry. Moscow. November
2007 "Autumn music of colour". "Moscow house of nationalities". Moscow.October–November
2007 jubilee exhibition of the International Academy "Creativity". The Central house of scientists. Moscow. November
2007 "Moscow artists – friends club "Baku". In the framework of the project of GODN "Meetings in Basmannaya". "Moscow house of nationalities". Moscow. November
2007-2008 "Christmas exhibition". Creative Association "Spectrum", TLC Russia. CHA. Moscow. December-January
2007-2008 "Christmas exhibition". "Our "Painters". Exhibition hall Belyaevo. Moscow. December-January
2007-2008. "Spectrum-2008". Moscow. CHA. December-January.
2007-2008. "Christmas on Begovaya". Moscow. MOSH Russia. December-January
2007-2008. "Christmas motifs". Moscow. Moscow house of nationalities. Greek cultural center, Greek-Slavic community "Paradigm", Russian-Greek TLC. December-January
2007-2008. "Christmas." Moscow. On Kashirke state exhibition hall. "Our "Painters". December January
International art exhibition
1980 "Belgrade 80". II international Triennial of modern art. Belgrade. Yugoslavia
1984 "international art exhibition". International Symposium of painting in Hajduboszormeny. Hungary
1987 Personal exhibition. Gdansk – Warsaw. Poland
1990 international exhibition "star stream". New York. USA. The introductory article in the catalog of science fiction writer ray Bradbury
2001 "Painting Russian artists." The State Of New York. USA
All-Union art exhibition
(decorative art, theatre, cinema):
1967 "all-Union exhibition of artists of theatre, film, television". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege". March-April
1976 "Glory to labor". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege"
1977 "On the Leninist path". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege"
1979 "60 years of Soviet cinema". Moscow. VDNKH
1979 "the all-Union exhibition of artists of theater and cinema". Moscow. Central exhibition hall "Manege"
1987 "Exhibition of artists of theater and cinema". Moscow. CHA
Paintings of the artist V. A. Artykova are in museums:
"Komsomol wedding." 1978. X/m 175х140 cm State Tretyakov gallery. Russian Federation
"Canoes in the Karakum desert". 1979. X/m 135х150 see Lviv international gallery. Ukraine
"The opening of the monument to Lenin in Ashgabat". 1980. X/m 145х160 see Museum of art of Azerbaijan. Baku
"Water of Siberia will come in the Karakum desert". 1980. X/m 160х150 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Kirgizstan
"Over the Karakum canal". 1980. X/M. Saransk 100x120 see the hall of Fame Museum. Russian Federation
"The feast of the cotton in the virgin state farm". 1981. X/m 150х135 see the Republican United Museum of fine arts. Tajikistan
"Karakum 1919 Before a fight." 1882. X/m 160х180 see the Museum of the higher school of the KGB named. Dzerzhinsky. RF 33965. Russian Federation
"Morning." Transfigured earth. 1982. X/m 160х180 see Krasnodar Museum of local lore. Russian Federation
"Home with victory." 1985. X/m 200х160 see a Picture gallery of Izmail. Ukraine
"Autumn fair Nisse". 1987. X/m 160х180 see the Karaganda regional Museum of fine arts. Kazakhstan
"The Karakum canal – the lifeline of the world." Ships Of The Karakum Desert. 1982. X/m 96х136 cm Nizhny Tagil Museum of fine arts. Russian Federation
"The visit of good hope". 1979. X/m 130х140 see the Museum of the Caspian shipping company. Russian Federation
"Oath". 1982. X/m 150х135 see Simferopol state Museum. Ukraine
"Rebuild the world". 1984. X/m 200х180 see the Kuibyshev branch of the Central Lenin Museum. Samara. Russian Federation
"The Karakum canal – the lifeline of friendship of peoples of the USSR". 1982. X/m 170х200 cm State Tretyakov gallery. Russian Federation
"That one." 1982. X/m 140х120 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
"Two." 2004. X/m 60x70 cm State historical-architectural Museum-reserve. Ples. Russian Federation
"Pipes Of Sochi". 1976. X/m 130х150 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
"Seeing in front". 1977. X/m 170х180 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
"Rally for peace". 1986. X/m 180х160 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
"Visit of friendship". 1980. X/m 150х135 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
"The road to the Cheleken". 1975. X/m 135х150 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
"Archeologists in Karakums". 1980. X/m 150х135 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
"The opening of the monument to Lenin in Ashgabat in 1927," 1982. X/m 180x200 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
"Saline valley". 1985. X/m 120x140 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
Works that are in the vaults of the Moscow factory of the Union of artists of the Russian Federation:
"The world incoming". 1985. X/m 180x200 cm the icau of the Russian Federation
"We are internationalists". 1988. X/m 160х180 see the icau of the Russian Federation
"Giant 30-ies of the ANT-6" in the Karakum desert". 1982. X/m 90х110 see the icau of the Russian Federation
Sketches for the films:
Sketches for the film "Star and kullanarak":
"Day of protection of nature." 1986. Org. temp. 60x80
"Kulan and poacher". 1986. Org. temp. 60x80
"Melanie plateau". 1986. Org. temp. 60x80
Sketch for the film "Serving the Fatherland". 1986. X/M. 60,5х80. THE ICAU OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION
Sketches for the film "thirst":
"Flooding in the old village." 1966. B. gouache. 51х80 cm
"The road". 1966. B. gouache. 40x80 see the icau of the Russian Federation
Sketches for the film "sunrise over the Ganges":
"Mountain village". 1975. B. gouache. 55х74 cm
"Zastava". 1975. B. gouache. 55х74 cm the State Museum of fine arts. Turkmenistan
Mr Anatolievich Artikov often exhibited his paintings along with paintings of his wife, artist rimmy Nikolaevny Isakova.