Alekseevich Borisov

Russia • 1866−1934


the first painter of the Arctic, Explorer of polar lands and public figure who made a significant contribution to the development of transport-economic development of the North.On the work of Borisov drew attention visited Solovki President of the Academy of arts Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and a famous collector of paintings General Andrei Andreevich Bogolyubov, served in the headquarters of the St. Petersburg military district. They helped Alexander: he was a dedicated scholarship and 20 September 1886, he came to St. Petersburg.In the summer of 1894 Borisov was accompanied by Witte on the steamer "Lomonosov" on the trip to the North. The duties Borisov included sketches of harbours and bays in Murmansk coast.

Alexander Borisov were peasants. At fifteen he came to the Solovetsky monastery, where he worked on a fishing tone in Savvateyevka skete. He soon got an apprentice at the icon-painting workshop. The Archimandrite of the monastery, seeing the pencil drawings Borisov, took him to the main abode. Being a novice, Alexander studied painting and iconography.

On the work of Borisov drew attention visited Solovki President of the Academy of arts Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich and a famous collector of paintings General Andrei Andreevich Bogolyubov, served in the headquarters of the St. Petersburg military district. They helped Alexander: he was a dedicated scholarship and 20 September 1886, he came to St. Petersburg.

During the period of study at the Academy of arts from 1888 to 1892 creative achievements Borisov was awarded two small and one big consolation silver medals. For "high achievements in art classes" the Academy Board has granted the request of Borisov, and in June 1892 he was appointed a scholarship "as a state peasant." In 1895, the technique of drawing by A. A. Borisov learned in the Studio of I. I. Shishkin, and a year after his departure from the Academy — A. I. Kuindzhi.

In the summer of 1894 Borisov was accompanied by Witte on the steamer "Lomonosov" on the trip to the North. The duties Borisov included sketches of harbours and bays in Murmansk coast. A. A. Borisov realized the dream to visit the Arctic ocean and began to nurture the idea of artistic high-latitude expedition.

From a trip in 1894 he brought about 150 sketches, some of which were exhibited in 1897 at the academic exhibition in St. Petersburg. These works aroused the admiration of V. M. Vasnetsov, positive feedback V. V. Stasov. P. M. Tretyakov purchased for his collection the work of A. Borisov for 8 thousand roubles

In 1900, A. A. Borisov, and eight of his companions went to the New Land. The expedition lasted fourteen months, and during that time Borisov and his associates had to overcome many difficulties. They explored and mapped the coast of bays Chekina, the Unknown and Bear, giving the bays, Straits, mountain tops and headlands the names of artists, scientists and those who contributed to the development of the North. Thanks to Borisov on the map of the New Earth are immortalized the names of many Russian artists: capes Shishkin, Kuindzhi, Kramskoy, Vasnetsov, Vereshchagin, Repin, and glacier Tretyakov.[2] in addition, the travelers were meteorological observations, collected geological, Botanical and Zoological collections. One of the main results of the expedition were hundreds of sketches and studies that served as the theme of monumental paintings created Borisov on his return from New Earth.

The artist's works exhibited at the spring exhibitions of the St. Petersburg 1900-1905 years attracted the attention of art lovers not only in Russia but also abroad. In 1902 at the invitation of the Viennese society of artists A. A. Borisov satisfied with the exhibition in the Austrian capital. Success Borisov allowed him to hold exhibitions in Berlin, Hamburg, Cologne, düsseldorf and Paris. The French government awarded the artist the order of the Legion of honor. In 1907, in London the exhibition of Borisov visited the famous polar Explorer Fridtjof Nansen, was handed to the artist on behalf of the governments of Sweden and Norway the order of St. Olaf. While the British government awarded the artist the order of the Bath.

In early 1908 Borisov came to the United States. An exhibition of his paintings in Washington was held at the residence of the President — White House. Borisov became the first Russian artist to be accepted by the President of the United States.

Back in Russia Borisov settled at home, close to Krasnoborsk. In the years Borisov creates works dedicated to not only the Arctic, but also of Solovki, the Pechora, the Northern Dvina land. In February 1914, the artist arranges in St. Petersburg a major exhibition.

"Winter's tale". 1913

In addition to painting, A. A. Borisov wrote travel essays — "the Samoyeds. From Pinega to the Kara sea" (1907), "the country of cold and of death" (1909), "the Great northeast journey. The great river route from Siberia to Europe" (1910), "Ob-Murmansk railroad" (1915). In these works he writes about the natural resources of the region and the plight of the indigenous population. In his scientific papers, and projects he explores the economic life of the North, speaks about the construction of the Northern railway tracks and the connection of the Northern and Siberian rivers channels.

In 1915 and 1916, the years of A. A. Borisov develops the project of construction of the Ob-Murmansk railway, construction of which was supported by the tsarist government and replaced it after the revolution the CPC. However, due to the civil war the project was implemented only a few decades.

In 20 — 30 years Borisov was actively involved in the development of the railway project Ob — Kotlas — Forty, and in 1922 on the initiative of A. A. Borisov, on the basis of a salt spring near Krasnoborsk opened resort "solonykha", the first Manager of which was the artist himself.

August 17, 1934, the artist died at his home near Krasnoborsk.

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