Petrovich Shalamov

Russia • 出生于 1929


Painter. B. 23 Jun 1929 in village vasilkivka Dnipropetrovsk region Graduated from Simferopol art school (1951-54) and KhSAI (1959-64), where he studied with A. Lyubimskiy, S. Besedina, A. Vyatkina. A member HO CFS from 1971. The participant of Republican, all-Union and international exhibitions since 1967. Personal exhibitions: Kyiv - 1960, 1979, Kharkov - 1972, 1975, 1977, 1984, 1986; Moscow - 1975; Transbaikalia - 1975; Mariupol - 1979; Chuguev (Kharkiv region) in 1986. Works in hhpi, associate Professor (since 1996).