Yakovlevich Adlivankin

Russia • 1897−1966

Biografie und Informationen

Born 7(19) July 1897 in the city of Tatarsk, Mogilev province.

From 1912 to 1918 he. he studied at the Odessa art school at KK Kostandi, in 1918-19 at the Moscow state free workshops at V. Tatlin. Lived and worked in Moscow. In 1919 on behalf of the Department of fine arts Narcompros was involved in the organization of Somas in Samara. In the same year bill appointed head of the art section of the provincial Committee Luo popular culture, was responsible for the development of arts education and programmes for children.

In 1921-22 he participated in the creation of the New society of painters (VAW).

In the 1923-1928 Adlivankin C. J. worked for the publishing house "Young guard"; illustrated journals "Lapot", "Military crocodile" and "Atheist"; drew political posters and cartoons, together with V. V. Mayakovsky; created films for cinestyle "soyuzdetfilm", including the film "Cup of tea" (1927).

In 1938-39 performed monumental paintings for the pavilion of the Far East at the all-Union agricultural exhibition in Moscow.

Exhibited since 1916. Highlights of the exhibition Adlivankin : 1922 - first exhibition of paintings by New society of painters (VAW), Moscow; 1931-Imperialist exhibition, Moscow; "Art of the third, decisive year of the five-year plan", Moscow; 1932 - exhibition of monumental mural paintings, Moscow; 1932 - 1933 - "Artists of the RSFSR for 15 years", Leningrad, Moscow; 1933 - "15 years the red army", Moscow, and others. 1961-solo exhibition, Moscow.

His works are in the Tretyakov gallery, Moscow; RM, Petersburg, etc .. collections.

Born in the village of Tatarsk, Mogilev province (now in Smolensk oblast), the son of the pharmacist Yakov Aronovich and his wife, housewife Sarah Moiseevna. Lived and worked in Tatarsk, Odessa, Samara, Moscow. 1912-1917 — education in Odessa art school, in the class of K. K. Kostandi, output received the diploma of teacher of drawing and sketching. 1918 — studies at V. E. Tatlin in Free art workshops in Moscow. 1919 — on behalf of the Department of fine arts Narcompros was organizing "Somas" (Free workshops) in Samara, in the same appointed head of the art section of the provincial Committee of the mass culture, was responsible for the development of arts education and programmes for children. 1921 — composed of the founding members of the artistic Association of the New society of painters (1922). 1927 — worked on the film "Cup of tea" to "Mezhrabpomfilm". 1932 — member of the society "Izobrigada". 1938-1939 — worked the painting for the pavilion of the Far East at the all-Union agricultural exhibition in Moscow (in the monumental style).

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