Andreevich Obolensky

Russia • 1890−1954

Biografie und Informationen

(06.05.1890, p Vilva, the Cherdyn district of Perm. lips. – 08.05.1954, Leningrad), teacher, art historian, graphic, painting. Studied in MUZHVZ (1910-1913). Closer to M. Fabre, please, Le dantu, later became the artistic group rallied around Larionov and N. Goncharova. Since that time, work began on issues of artistic form and composition, which subsequently led to the study of the characteristics of children's drawings. Taught drawing in the Higher primary school Cherdyn Cherdyn girls 'school and teachers' Seminary (1916-1919). Wrote "the Evolution of children's art creativity", "Analysis of children's drawings" (not published). In 1921-1922 he worked as an instructor of fine arts in Perm. subpolytopes. In 1922-1926 he taught painting and drawing at Perm. art College at the same time was the head. the educational part, since 1924 – Director. Participated in the 1st exhibition of the work of artists of the local region (1925, Perm). In 1927-1931 worked scientific. an employee of the Azerbaijan State. Museum and taught at the Baku art College (1929-3190). In 1931 priglashen as a Professor at the Department of monumental painting of the Leningrad Institute of proletarian art (later – the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin Academy of arts of the USSR). In 1944 was awarded the degree of PhD and the rank of associate Professor. To reduce the load in 1948, fired, went to work for the Higher art-industrial school im. V. I. Mukhina. In 1941-1943 was evacuated to Perm. Worked in agitmaterial for the production of posters and agitation. Created a series of graphic portraits of figures of literature and art, worked during the great Patriotic war in the city of Perm. Participated in exhibitions: "Ural - blacksmith arms" (Sverdlovsk, 1944), "the Urals in the visual arts" (Molotov, 1943), exhibition of works of art to the conference of the USSR on the study of productive forces. Molotov (Molotov, 1945). Wrote a large study of "the composition of the ceiling of the Sistine chapel" - not published. Solo exhibition: "Portraits of artists" (1984, Perm), the 100th anniversary of the birth (1990, PGHG). Works are in PGHG.

Ist.: Archive of arts of the USSR(St. Petersburg), f. 7. op. 4. D. 183; f. A-7, op. 56 in 1944.

Lit.: Serebrennikov N. N. The Urals in the visual arts. Perm, 1959. P. 134.; Budrin A. G. Teacher, graph theorist // Vechernyaya Perm. 1984. 2 Jan.; Kazarinova N. V. Artists Perm. L., 1987. P. 23, 27.

(author: Kazarinov N. V. encyclopedia of Perm Krai)

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