The tower of blue horses

Franz Marc • Peinture, 1913, 130×200 cm
À propos de l'œuvre
Type d'art: Peinture
Sujet et objets: Animalier
Courant artistique: L'expressionnisme
Technique: Le beurre
Ressources: La toile
Date de création: 1913
Taille: 130×200 cm
Localisation: Perdu
Œuvre dans les sélections: 50 selections

Descriptif de la toile «The tower of blue horses»

"The tower of blue horses"one of the rare occasions when the memory of the picture is, and the picture itself is not. She was gone.

In 1937 the national socialists declared the degenerative picture. I must say, she was not the only company and she was bold and brilliant. Together with Franz Marc from German museums were expelled Oskar Kokoschka, Edvard Munch, Johannes Itten, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Marc Chagallin General degenerate announced 650 paintings, and at the same time dozens of artists and even entire artistic direction and associations. But before to forget about them, to stigmatize and to get rid of, they staged an exhibition which traveled in several cities in Germany and gathered 3 million viewers. A record number for its time, to repeat which will only succeed in the 21st century.

But first, "the Tower of blue horses" was one of the key illustrations to the first almanac "the Blue rider", the publication of which worked together Franz Marc and Wassily Kandinsky. This picture was definitely lucky with the neighbours on the pages of the almanac is reproduction of works by Kandinsky, Picasso, Matisse, Jawlensky, Robert Delaunay, Paul Klee, and next are examples of the Bavarian podstekolnoj painting and Russian popular prints, children's drawings and handwritten notes. It was a big task to create a magazine that would tell about the manifestation of new, avant-garde ideas in different types of art in different art forms, professional and Amateur, academic and folk.

Blue color Franz Marc loved, he redrew all the blue horses that if they gathered together, would make a beautiful celestial flock (1, 2, 3). Always masterfully conveying the movement and plasticity of the animal, the artist did not seek to naturalistic way, and portrayed his "inner self". And the blue color, the aesthetics of the Brand of "spiritual", "male", "austere", gives this essence to resound in full force. Looking to the sky "the tower" - a powerful composite amplifier of the same meaning.

In 1919, three years after the death of Franz Marc, bought the painting of the New national gallery in Berlin. She was destined to warm the gallery's future, which in a matter of days destroyed. After the confiscation of the scandalous exhibition, the Second world war, after Germany's surrender in 1945, the picture just disappeared. Someone occasionally reports that the painting intact and secretly is in some private collection or in a Swiss Bank, but none of the rumor is still not confirmed.

Meanwhile, the traces of the Berlin streets of the four blue horses found. Resurrects their art. In 2012, the German artist Martin Gostner in memory of stolen or lost picture created an installation at the entrance to the New national gallery. Four pile artificial, but very naturalistic depicted, manure was to create at visitors sensation that the blue horses of Franz Marc has just passed here and are somewhere nearby, walking along the city streets or through the halls of the Museum, just constantly fails to catch them there.

Author: Anna Sidelnikova