The history of the creation of Alexander Benois
paintings-illustrations for "the bronze Horseman" a long and tangled. The first order he received in 1903, inspired began for him, drew 33 illustrations, but the customer – "the Circle of lovers of fine arts" – rejected the result and demanded alteration. Benoit refused to make any changes. But Sergei Diaghilev illustrations very much, and they entered one of the rooms of the "art World". But in the wide format magazine pages, drawings lost much as they were created for the other format.
In 1905, Benoit received a new order of paintings for "the Copper horseman". The artist inspired work.
"Drew Eugene anew. All my new illustrations for "the bronze horseman" is more like than the former. 3релее"so he evaluates metamorphosis in his drawings. But when the drawings were ready, the Commission of the national publications have changed plans, and the book went to print.
Only 10 years later, Benoit went back to work. In 1916 he received an order from the Commission art publications. The drawings of 1905 he almost stands, and early – remodels completely. In 1917, broke out of the October revolution, and the release of "the bronze horseman" was once again postponed. Finally in 1922, the book went to print, Benoit I made some edits. And next year, the illustration on which the artist worked a total of 20 years, saw the light. He created some 70 illustrations to Pushkin's works.
Benoit wanted each painting is an illustration to "the bronze Horseman" was located on a separate page, illustrating the text. Criticism took his illustrations is ambiguous. Some believed that he "presses" the drawings of Pushkin's text and call Benoit his best Illustrator. In particular, according to art historian Abram Efros,
"about Pushkin language of drawing, graphic language didn't say that. Benoit created the only, almost congenial Pushkin page".
Description main illustration to "the bronze Horseman"
Frontispiece – the biggest loop in the picture we see the open book, represents the leitmotif of the work, chase the bronze Horseman for the Eugene, the main character. This Preface, and the plot, and the climax. In the figure convey a sense of panic fleeing hero and Majesty of the great the pursuing rider.
On the title page we see "standing on its hind legs" sculpture. There is still no movement, but the feeling of anxiety, of threat, which will be revealed once the reader turning the page, is felt.
One of the most successful can be called
illustration to the linesHim everywhere bronze Horseman with heavy clatter galloping.As significantly transmitted by supernatural horror fleeing hero! How big a colossus is visible from afar the bronze horseman in the picture, and I think we, like Eugene, the heart starts pounding from fear and running, and we, putting his hand to his chest, trying to calm him down and feel the pavement trembles under the heavy tread of giant.
Unqualified success of the artist can be considered
the picture of the raging Neva – flooded and zachopoulou the city. The townspeople in terror, trying in vain to get a footing and something to grab onto, and the element destroys everything in its path. Only the sculpture of Peter dominates "his creation", she is not afraid of troubles and storms of the human, human grief and joy for her – only the ripples on the river.
Author: Alain Esaulova