Amazing role of the sun in this picture. To find Louis IV, have to a very to peer at the image. In the foreground the sculpture on the water. Plump cupids are full of life, this group emanates a sense of dynamism, aided including technical acceptance – cupids written in bronze paint, giving the image warmth and volume.
What is the background? Looking at the picture you may feel that sculpture is precisely this procession, in any case, the life in it much less than frolicking chubby cupids. Long trains. Toy-pages, bearing for the court ladies these plumes. Bulky structures on their heads... And here is the king himself! We could say that he's ahead, only in this picture, its location is rather characterized as "on the edge". Louis IV, the sun King turned his back, we see his hat, wig and coat. He takes out his age as gone era.
Benoit from the first meeting has been fascinated by Versailles, and the period of the reign of Louis IV his incredibly attracted and fascinated. The artist has devoted the whole cycles of paintings of the Palace and walks to the king. In particular, the king he has "deduced on walk":
"Walk of the king" 1896.,
"Walk of the king" 1897 And even harsh:
"The king walked in any weather" 1898Not walking a single Royal leisure has been busy. Here, for example, the image of how
"Louis XIV is feeding fish" 1897 Or pleasures of the court under the sun King: "
Masquerade under Louis XIV"1898
But Benoit and he knew that this time is irretrievably gone. And perhaps suspected that his talent will not be enough to bring the past into the space timeless.
"I, a passionate fan of this Cutesy art, it hurts to think about it, but I myself feel that further galvanizing the dead can not, you need a new life"– recognized untimely the "Versailles of the motives of the" artist.
In Russia, which is already worried about the problems of a different order, which stirred the feeling of wars and revolutions, the "Versailles series" (as described picture is part of in this cycle and not earlier - "the Last walk of the king") was adopted by the cold. Benoit was charged that he hid from the harsh reality in "fantastic Versailles", and put him in reproach archaic. Particularly distinguished in the criticism of works by Alexander Benois this period, Anatoly Lunacharsky. In the article on "cycle of the Versailles" he was generous to sarcastic remarks and concluded by saying:
"Mr. Benoit was summoned to the public a kind of special mental stun: Versailles ceased to operate. "How good!" says the public and the wide, wide yawns".
Author: Alain Esaulova