
Estonia • Tallinn • 1936−2022

Biography and information

Arrak Jüri Karlovich (Est. Jüri Arrak; October 24, 1936, Tallinn - October 16, 2022, Tallinn) was an Estonian painter, graphic artist, metal artist, founder of Estonian avant-gardism. People's Artist of Estonia. Member of the Union of Artists of the Estonian SSR.
Jüri Arrak was born on October 26, 1936 in Tallinn in a family of employees. In 1955 he graduated from Tallinn Mining Technical School (Est. Tallinna Mäetehnikum) (painting "Lava", 1966), worked in Leningrad as a cab driver (work "Taxi", 1966). In 1966 he graduated from the Estonian State Art Institute as a metal artist and from 1968 to 1969 he worked at the Tallinnfilm studio as a metal artist and production designer in the films "Gladiator" (1969), "Go ashore" (1972) and "Teacher" (1979). Since 1969 Arrak was a member of the Artists' Union of the Estonian SSR, from 1972 to 1973 he was chairman of the graphic arts section of the Estonian Artists' Union, and from 1982 to 1987 he was chairman of the painting section. In 1988 Jüri Arrak was awarded the title of People's Artist of Estonia. From 1996 to 1997 Arrak worked as a visiting professor at the University of Tartu. Since 2003 he has been a member of the European Academy of Arts and Sciences. As an actor he has appeared in several films of Tallinfilm, in particular, he played the role of the painter Ants Laikmaa in the movie "Christmas in Vigala" (1980). He tried his hand at literary work, writing a children's book "Maiv". The artist's work is characterized by his reference to religious philosophy (the painting "Prohvet" ("Prophet"); the altar in Halliste Church) and the Estonian national epic. Arrak has 90 solo exhibitions to his credit, including Tagasivaatav mees (from Est.- "Looking Back" in 2006 and the anniversary exhibition Vaimne tee (from Est.- "Spiritual Path," held in Pärnu in 2011. Arrak's works have been used in the album artwork of the band Metsatöll. The album Äio was decorated with the artist's painting "Kuju kujuga" (Est. - "Form with Form"), created in 1999 and included in a private collection. In 2010, in their music video "Vaid Vaprust" (Est. - "Just Courage"), the band Metsatöll used fragments of the cartoon "Big Tõll", in the creation of which Arrak participated as an artist and director in 1982. A children's book based on the cartoon "Big Tõll" was published, consisting of 28 large illustrations by Jüri Arrak with a brief retelling of the story. He was included in the list of 100 great Estonian figures of the 20th century compiled in 1999 by written and online voting. Honored with 14 major awards, including: Order of the White Star (2000). He died on October 16, 2022. Jüri Arrak's works have been included in the expositions of such museums as the Kumu Museum in Tallinn, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the New Orleans Museum of Art, USA, the Krakow National Museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the Ludwig Museum in Aachen, the Randers Museum, the Narva Museum ("Family" (1978) and "Variety" (1980)).