Alexeevich Twisted

Ukraine • 1886−1968

Biography and information

 9 (21) February 1886 in the village. the Oliwa Kherson lips. in a peasant family. Father soon moved to Kherson and has become a cab driver. In 1902 woven graduated from Kherson trichlene school and went to Odessa, where he enrolled in art school is one of the best secondary art schools of that time. A passion for painting was later explained by the influence of school teachers, who acquainted the students with the new trends in art.

Upon graduation in 1906, he returned to Kherson and became a teacher of drawing in women's professional school. After a year twisted left work and went to Moscow. His decision was influenced by the acquaintance with Dburykm, which woven later wrote in his memoirs Our output (1932). In Moscow began working as an artist in a humorous magazine "Service" and other editions, made famous series of cartoons and caricatures of writers, artists, and scientists called the Whole of Moscow in cartoons.


In 1909 he took part in art exhibition in St. Petersburg. At the same time he became acquainted with the future allies in the artistic and literary avant - Eguro, Cameskin, Malthusianism. In 1909 during the year in Kherson, twisted debuted as a writer, a poet, satirist, essayist, art, literature and theatre critic. In the Kherson newspaper "Native land" published his works, signed either by this name, or alias Aggelen and A.G. Most significant of numerous publications 1909 - essay Two power of the face of love, the story of Bloody people and the Half-dead poem, written under the influence Sologuba.


Back in 1910 in Moscow, twisted took an active part in the activities led by Burliuk group "Gilea" - the prototype of the future of futurism.


From 1912 he started his creative collaboration with Chlebnikov, together they wrote and published the poem Game in hell (1912), which woven called in his memoirs, "ironic, made under the lubok a mockery of archaic devil". According to Realtone, this poem contains echoes of unrealized Hell of a poem by Alexander Pushkin. The game in hell and the subsequent poem twisted Old love (1913) were negatively received by critics and assessed as "hopeless misery when Uhersky position".


In 1913 - the most important year in the creative development of the poet - woven took part in the collection of a slap in the face to the public taste, published by the group "Gilea" with a circulation of 500 copies Together with Usakowski wrote a Manifesto of futurist with the Central thesis: "Throw Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy and others. and so on. from the Steamship of Modernity". In the same collection was published "illogical poem" twisted Old tongs sunset patches...built on invented the principle of "misconce".


Work in the area of counter-intuitive poetry in 1913 led him to develop the principles abstruse poetry ("zaum") - i.e. poetry, written in "their own language"beyond logic, mind, and consisting of the "unknown words." The language of "zaumj" were fragments of words that end, graphic and phonetic keyboard. A classic example of "zaumj" became a poem woven Holes Blvd mil. Besides him, he wrote verses From fron applied at a specified and The sa Mai, Th Oneg kite and other Theory of "zaumj" was formulated woven in joint Khlebnikov collection of the Word as such (1913): "Painters butylene like to use parts of their bodies, cuts, and butylene-recetarse - cut words, poluslova and their bizarre tricky combinations (abstruse language). This achieves the highest expressiveness. And this is different language rapid modernity, which destroyed the still frozen language". Readers shocked approval twisted that in his poem Holes Blvd SIL "more Russian than in the whole poetry of Pushkin".


Twisted produced abstruse poetry collections, one after the other: Vzorval (1913), the TE-LI-LAYE (1914, together with Khlebnikov), etc. In a futuristic, avant-garde spirit written and literary studies Vypit love Turgenev (1913), the Devil and recetarse (1913), Mayakovsky. Vypit (1914) and the other was put its "logical Opera" victory over the sun (1913) to the music Matyushina.


Internal crisis and the First world war led to a collapse in 1915 group "Gilea". Escaping from mobilization, twisted went to the Caucasus and worked as a drawing teacher in a girls ' school batalpashinsk. However, spiritually and artistically it was still connected with Moscow and St. Petersburg, down there during the summer vacation. In 1916 came out of his poetry War and Universal war Kommersant. In the Preface to the last he named the main task of zaum "liberation create unnecessary facilities (through the pointlessness)".


Living in 1916-1919 in Tiflis, woven together with other futurists - brothers K. and Izdaniyami, Nfernelson, Vhodyaschie and others - took part in the activities of the literary-poetic group "Syndicate futurists". Software, the book was a collection Learn judogi (1917), which includes poems woven, was also published his book of Nosebone (1917). From a syndicate of futurists" in 1918 distinguished group "41 degrees", which included woven, poet and Director Iterates etc. For propaganda of "zaumj" twisted worked as a critic, and gave lectures in the framework of the program "Futur-seokbae".


In 1919 woven moved from Tbilisi to Baku, where he worked in the Baku branch of GROWTH, worked in the Newspapers, produced poetry and theoretical collections. In 1921 he returned to Moscow. Mayakovsky contributed to the return of woven into the circle of poets in Moscow, organized his evening at the Polytechnic Museum. In 1921-1923 woven continued to develop the theory of "zaumj" as applied to various kinds of art. This is dedicated to its collections Phonetics theatre, Sdvigovoi Russian verse, etc.


In 1923, the poet became headed by Mayakovsky postfuturistika group "Lef" ("Left front"), actively opposed "decadent" by S. Esenin's poetry, devoted to criticism of twelve books (all in 1925), wrote agapiescu. In 1928 has prepared a collection of 15 years of Russian futurism. 1912-1927, Materials and commentary.


In 1928, was published last book woven Techniques Lenin speech, after which his work was only typing. So were "published" his poem Ironed and Robiniae (both 1930), books scribble Night (1932), Arabesques of Gogol (1944), the Book of hell sonnets (1947) and many others. Death Mayakovsky deprived him of the last defender. Twisted collected books, sold their typed collections, written portraits of writers in archives and museums. During the great Patriotic war remained in Moscow, and continued to write poetry, worked in the "Windows of TASS. Recommendation to the Union of writers, this Yerenergo, literally saved woven from starvation.


True lovers of literature gave tribute to the art of fine woven during his lifetime. Gigi prepared in 1950-ies a selection of his poems, however, the publication did not take place. In 1966 in the Central house of literary man was organized anniversary evening woven, became a significant event in the cultural life of Moscow. The twisted life was very hard, he lived in poverty. Died woven in Moscow.

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