Description of the artwork «Date»
The date on the picture Makovsky occurs between mother and given into the service in the city son. The boy is a skinny pipsqueak eagerly bites into brought by the mother loaf. Roll out some white flour, not often the peasants were eating a mother specially bought the fairing. The woman warmly wrapped up, obviously not in the summer it happens. And the boy is standing barefoot on the cold floor. On the passage they do not pass, not to disturb the owners. The boy eats and her mother, hunched over, with indescribable sorrow and longing looks at his child. Is would give it its rotten to other people, if not a dire need? And is there a way out of it, out of this grinding poverty and a life of hunger and humiliation?
Not these two, we see in written a few years later the picture
"On the Boulevard"? The boy grows up, the mother will grow old, father – or finally perish in city life, forgetting about the family, whether
zapet whether, exhausted from the city, will be junked back in the village, has come to nothing suitable. But a young child will give "the people" to serve. Very likely such a prospect, but still besprovodnye that after all of this boy may eventually get another dad with an accordion, like that "On the Boulevard", is sitting by a female. And then the drunk guy that breaks into the pub in the picture "will Not let". And there is no way out of this vicious circle. Depressed and hopeless from picture this, from the mother's pain that will never exit, feeling a painful fate for her son, which is read in the eyes of the mother, from zatravlenny boys, who now know what good in life? Unless there will be a miracle...
Author: Alain Grosheva