Henri (Henri)


Biography and information

Riviere, Henri / Henri Riviere (1864-1951), a true Parisian, born in the Montmartre March 11, 1864. His father, prosper rivière, was a native of the Pyrenees and owned a wholesale shop lace and crinoline in Paris, mother Henriette Leroux, from the petty-bourgeois working class family. The father died when Henry was 9 years old. In 1875, the mother married a second time.

The pursuit of drawing Henri felt already in childhood. But upon graduation, he, at the insistence of his mother, gets a job in a shop where sells ostrich feathers. It turns out that at that time in the crazy city of Paris, this product had a demand and could feed dealer. But trading career is not accounted for Henry's taste. In 1884, having received a small inheritance, he and his brother went to Brittany and fell in love with this region. And in return begins the life of a poor artist. Rents a room every day and studying painting at his childhood friend, painter Paul Signac (Paul Signac), later known impressionist.

Soon Riviere becomes the medium of avant-garde artists. At the same time, art begins to feed him. In 1881 in Montmartre opened a famous cabaret "the Black cat" ("Le Chat Noir"). According to the owner of the cabaret of Rodolphe Sali (Rodolphe Salis) (1852-1897), "the Black cat" was unusual cabaret, where visitors from all over the world could unassumingly to meet the famous people of Paris. To maintain the prestige of the institution since 1882, began publishing the magazine "the Black cat". In the journal of the participated poets and singer, composing interludes and a Reprise cabaret, and illustrations were made by artists-decorators. Assistant editor of this journal was A. Riviere. He also designed the original shadow theatre, whose performances have become "highlight" of "the Black cat". At the same time A. Riviere starts to seriously engravings, etching and lithography. In 1895, the artist married and was able to realize a cherished dream, to buy a house in Brittany, where he and his wife spent the summer. Here A. Riviere starts to work on color lithographs from the series "the Beauty of Brittany" and "nature".

In 1897 Riviere discovers in Paris a store that specialized in selling Japanese art. In this store was about collectors of Japanese art. Henri entered this cheerful circle, and after he decided to open a similar store.

In 1889 confronts the fate of French impressionist painter with an art collector in Japan Tadamasa Hayashi (1851-1906). Via Riviera A. Hayashi acquired for his collection of the work of Corot and Degas, as well as several paintings of the Riviera. Among them were 4 panels titled "the Four seasons". In 1905 Hayashi went to Japan and left A. Riviera money, in order that on your own taste purchased his collection several works by Parisian artists...

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