Nikolaevich Kobelkov

born in 1981 • artist

Biography and information

Kobelkov Daniil, an artist of the Kazakh school of expressionism and pop art, ex-chs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and a graduate of the IOKhU named after. M.I. Malyutina.
Participant and author of several art projects (2011-18)
project-exhibition "Nonconformism - Evolution"
project-exhibition "Do not look at everything from behind
cabinet of "ADEQUACITY" 2011,
project -exhibition "Futurim space without ads for 7/8 months"
project-festival BREAD (2009-13), as well as several works in the collective exhibition in the Ivanovo Art Museum.
The author of installations on the actions "Night of Museums" (2012-2014),
participant of the samizdat project "Retrofuturist", participant of all issues of the magazine.
Co-author of a number of video art projects "Underground Ivanovo Cinema ZHOLTAYA Ryba"
author of a video blog on video art "Abdu Al Hazred"
, as well as "a theory that no one has understood, or a project - the Smart Ray."