Icon of saints

Светлана Фатьянова • Icon painting, 40×4×20 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Icon painting
Subject and objects: Religious scene
Style of art: Ancient Russian Art
Technique: Egg tempera
Materials: Wood, Gold, Gold plated, Ivory, Clay
Size: 40×4×20 cm

Description of the artwork «Icon of saints»

The canonical version of the selected saints in the workshop of Svetlana Fatyanova was fully compiled for this icon. At the request of the customer combined two different saints, two different eras of the 16th and 19th centuries, two different directions in art, different styles of clothing. The only thing that unites these saints is that they are godly kings. The harmony of the composition was achieved due to the color and golden ornament. The saint on the left is Tsar Theodore Ioannovich. The iconographic style in the clothes of the old Russian tsar is the Byzantine canon. The holy right is Tsar Nicholas 2. His clothes are taken from the miraculous Nadym Icon, stylized historical royal attributes from historical photographs. All this is translated into the church canon. The pastoznost of colorful layers is combined with transparent glazes, which is typical of 16th century masters.
Tsar St. Theodore of Moscow was the son of Ivan the Terrible. He took the throne by inheritance. John himself spoke of him as a blissful king, suitable more monastery. But his rule was marked by urban planning, the joining of new lands, the construction of churches and the welfare of the people. The same virtue characterizes Emperor Nicholas 2.
Very interesting is the fact that Grozny had children from many wives. And he put the church in honor of everyone. As a ktitor of churches, Grozny was impious. He himself did not receive grace. But his children got it. Two of which are canonized saints.
King Theodore was poisoned, allegedly by Boris Godunov. Modern arsenic scientists have found in his bones. Nicholas 2 and his family were shot. What should be sorry.