Ivanovich Pisho

Biography and information

Pisho Sergey Ivanovich (1892 St. Petersburg - after 1930)
Landscape painter in oil watercolor technique.
He lived and worked in St. Petersburg.

Place of residence: Leningrad, Mokhovaya 18-8
Profession / Job: Artist
Partisanship: b / p
arrested May 27, 1930
Accusation: 58, p. 8, 10 (counter-revolutionary activity).
Conviction: September 17, 1930
The condemning body: Tr. PP OGPU in the LVO
Sentence: 5 years in a concentration camp
Rehabilitation date: September 28, 1989
Rehabilitation body: Leningrad prosecutor's office
Data sources: database "Victims of Political Terror in the USSR"; Archive SIC "Memorial" (St. Petersburg)