Sarah Iva

Serbia • Belgrade • born in 1997 • artist

Biography and information

Born on 7.7.1997. in Belgrade, Serbia.

2012. Graduated from the School of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts.
2016. Academy of Fine Arts in Belgrade, currently in her final year of Bachelor's degree, Faculty of Painting
Belgrade, Serbia

April 2016. BEOCULIS Exhibition at the Graduate School of Mathematics, Belgrade
December 2016
October 2016. Collective exhibition of digital graphics at the Student Cultural Center
June 2017.annual ex
June 2018. Collective exhibition at Kwaka22 (Catch22), selected works
June 2018. Annual Exhibition of the Academy of Arts
May 2019. Collective exhibition of drawings at the Belgrade Youth Center
November 2018. Personal exhibition in the hall of the academy
June 2019. FAA Annual Report