
Natalia Alekseevna Osadchuk • Painting, January 2023, 50×40 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Still life, Interior
Style of art: Inner realism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: January 2023
Size: 50×40 cm

Description of the artwork «Maquis»

The sea of fire, on which the wind draws scarlet waves - a truly incredible beauty spectacle, which every year paints the fields of Europe and Asia. In different times, this simple and yet magnificent flower has been a multifaceted symbol, which could be interpreted differently depending on the circumstances - but more often it has remained ambivalent, like everything in the universe.
It was the source of myths and legends, it was used in medicine and dedicated to the gods.

Today, the poppy is most often associated with boundless freedom, "fresh" spirits, and brimming with optimism, thanks in large part to various publications that often publish photos of cheerful people with an armful of red flowers or jumping over a poppy meadow, with headlines like "Finally, a vacation!", "Harmony of mind and body," and so on.