About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Marina
Style of art: Painting
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 2023
Size: 100×1.5×80 cm

Description of the artwork «Depth»

Depth... Some dive deep to reach the bottom, some..., inside the buoys..., and some are capable of "climbing" to such depths that others cannot... But there are those who live in the depths altogether... In this enchantingly frightening space with its pristine crystal blackness... where all life resembles night amber, which greedily absorbs organics into its captivity... Where everything happens like in slow motion... where there are only life forms unknown to us... and perhaps they are the ones that open this gateway... into which we enter only once in a lifetime, but forever... It's quiet here - and infinite space presses, presses, presses that don't really exist... The kaleidoscope of color, the sparks, the sparkling emerald star swirl is beautiful, but what lies behind that beauty... Depth.