Queen Tamar and the Crane

Vladimir Garnikyan • Painting, 04.05.2018, 60×50 cm
About the artwork
This artwork has been added by an Arthive user, if it violates copyright please tell us.
Art form: Painting
Technique: Oil, Acrylic
Materials: Canvas, Hardboard
Date of creation: 04.05.2018
Size: 60×50 cm

Description of the artwork «Queen Tamar and the Crane»

Among the many Georgian legends, there is one. Once a flock of cranes flew past the Vardzia monastery. Suddenly, one of the birds fell to the ground with a stone right under Tamar's feet. The queen went out of the crane, tamed and they became best friends. Tamar fell in love with a crane.
But time passed, the flock flew over the Vardzia caves again and our crane left the queen. For a long time she grieved, long raised her beautiful eyes to the sky. Every time the cranes flew, her heart sank. And each time she repeated: “Ah, if my crane were among them ...” Once the sky heard her moaning. The crane - its crane - separated from the pack, made a graceful circle and landed at the feet of Tamar. In his beak he held two slivers - white and yellow. The princess was touched by such a gift and decided that she would use slivers for serifs. In the evening, she spotted a white sliver of milk from her cow. But milk immediately turned into silver! And when she used a yellow chip, the milk turned into pure gold. Having thus obtained a fortune, Queen Tamar sat on the throne. Around the world there was a rumor about the beauty of the queen, her wealth and mercy - because she generously endowed the poor. The news reached the Persian Shah. He went to Georgia in a war to force away the beautiful Tamar and marry her. But the Queen’s courage knew no bounds - she defeated the Shah’s troops. This happened a second time. But for the third time, the insidious shah defeated the queen's troops. When he tried to capture the queen herself, she disappeared into the air and became invisible. And to this day, the spirit of the queen soars over Georgia and protects every inhabitant.