Description of the artwork «In The Agile Rabbit. Harlequin with a glass»
“In The Agile Rabbit” - the famous work that has now become an icon of Bohemian Paris at the turn of the 20th century, in which Picasso portrayed himself in the costume of Harlequin. He is accompanied by former lover Germain Picot. Before, she was obsessed with a close friend of Picasso, Carlos Casagemas, who, due to unhappy love, committed suicide in 1901. The picture was commissioned by Freda Gerard (he plays the guitar in the background) for his "Agile Rabbit" cabaret in Montmartre. This was the only work of Picasso, constantly exhibited in Paris from 1905 to 1912. After it was sold to a German collector, and now is in the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Casagemas suicide, who shot himself in a Parisian cafe in front of his lover and friends, served as a starting point for the "blue period" in the work of Picasso. To the amazement of those around him, he agreed with the former passion of a friend, but he experienced depression, estrangement and poverty. Their artist expressed in blue-tinted images of emaciated, emaciated, unhappy souls who barely survived on the sidelines of society.
In August 1904, 24-year-old Picasso met Fernanda Olivier, a romantic relationship with which favorably influenced his work. The delight of physicality and sensual joy began to supplant the once excruciating despair. Perhaps this was one of the reasons for the change in the style of Picasso's painting. Harlequins, circus performers and clowns began to appear in his paintings, which will inhabit the canvases at different stages until the end of a long career as a painter. The "pink period" began, which lasted until 1906 and had a much greater artistic and historical significance than the previous "blue". It is to the "pink period" that the scene "In" The Agile Rabbit "refers."
Picasso's works in this period of time begin to lead their own lives in the artistic spirit of their time - the painting itself acquires the greatest importance, and not its theme and content. Picasso continued to experiment, making his characters anonymous, more likely representing the artistic matrix of a person, rather than the person himself. Another important breakthrough of this short period was the smooth line, which Picasso began to develop in 1904. Her fluency and sophistication is a unique contribution of the artist to expressionism.
The "Pink Period" also marks the end of development, during which Picasso found himself as a figurative artist. Over the years spent in Paris at that time, he absorbed French culture, replacing the gravity of his “blue period” with Parisian elegance. After the completion of the “pink period”, Picasso continued to create figurative works from time to time, but this ceased to be his main style.
Author: Vlad Maslov