The Rodin Museum

77 rue de Varenne, Paris, France

The Hôtel Biron is a jewel of Parisian rocaille architecture, with its park that covers nearly three hectares, adding to its immense attraction and explaining the museum’s very high attendance. In total, it welcomes over 700,000 visitors every year.

Late in 2005, the architect Pierre Louis Faloci finished the restoration of the chapel building, making possible the reopening of a temporary exhibition room.



All exibitions
Auguste Rodin. Thinker
1903, 180×145 cm
Camille Claudel. Mature age
Mature age
1893, 131×195×78 cm
Digital copy
Auguste Rodin. Monument to Honore de Balzac
Monument to Honore de Balzac
1898, 270×120.5 cm
Auguste Rodin. The pedestal of the titans
The pedestal of the titans
1882, 39×37 cm
Vincent van Gogh. Portrait Of Père Tanguy
Portrait Of Père Tanguy
1888, 92×75 cm
Digital copy
Camille Claudel. Lovers
1905, 91×80×42 cm
Auguste Rodin. The gates of hell
The gates of hell
1890, 635×400 cm
Auguste Rodin. Eternal idol
Eternal idol
1893, 73.2×59.2 cm
Digital copy
Auguste Rodin. Kiss
1882, 181.5×112.5 cm
Digital copy
Auguste Rodin. The Burghers Of Calais
The Burghers Of Calais
1880-th , 217×255 cm
Digital copy
Camille Claudel. La Valse ou Les Valseurs
La Valse ou Les Valseurs
1893, 43.2×23×34.3 cm
Auguste Rodin. Assemblage: Mask of Camille Claudel and left hand of Pierre de Wissant
Assemblage: Mask of Camille Claudel and left hand of Pierre de Wissant
1895, 32.1×27.7 cm
All artworks