
Peder Severin Krøyer • Painting, 1888, 134.5×165.5 cm
Digital copy: 6.9 MB
4836 × 3860 px • JPEG
43.4 × 35.3 cm • 278 dpi
81.9 × 65.4 cm • 150 dpi
40.9 × 32.7 cm • 300 dpi
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About the artwork
Art form: Painting
Subject and objects: Genre scene
Style of art: Impressionism, Realism
Technique: Oil
Materials: Canvas
Date of creation: 1888
Size: 134.5×165.5 cm
Artwork in selections: 46 selections
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Description of the artwork «Hip-hip-Hooray!»

Painting by Krøyer's "hip-Hip-hurray" seems to be a celebration of the very existence Braginskii school. There is a theory that it marks the birthday of Krøyer. However, given the fact that the artist worked on the painting for four years, and in the title we see the exclamation, not a reference to a specific event, I will assume that what is important here is the atmosphere and characters, not a specific occasion, gathered at the table of these people. It is known that the Krøyer was the photo taken that night by German artist Fritz Stoltenberg, on it, and recreated the situation.

Great artists settled in Skagen. The day I went to write in the open air, trying to transfer to canvas it special, like no other light. Sometimes making a choice in favor of hunting and fishing with the locals. In the afternoon or in the evening gathered company drank wine, argued, laughed and proclaimed new laws, art, life, and combinations of drinks. Healthy, happy time! However, the school in terms of training in Skagen also quickly formed, and the Academy of arts even sent students on a summer internship.

"Evening Academy" is owned by the artists Mikaeland Anna Ankerthe hotel "Brendan". The painting company is situated in the garden of this hotel. Someone said a toast, and by shouting "hip-hip-hurrah!" the glasses will now be devastated. Look at the audience, to get an idea about the "Northern enthusiasts". From left to right: cousin Anna Anker – Mar møller Johansen and her husband, the painter Viggo Johansen, Norwegian Christian Krogh. Behind him Krøyer depicted himself – happy, laughing. Following Anna's brother Anker dayn Brendan, followed by Michael Anker. Further, the Swedish painter Oscar Bjorkand artist Thorvald NISS,. Women: Braginskaya teacher Helen Christensen (there is a version that Krøyer was having an affair with her) and actually Anna Anker, hugging his daughter Helga. Perhaps, Helga has changed most in the process of Krøyer on this picture – because when he started to write, the girl was four years younger. On the morning after the Banquet, the hosts found freely in the garden located with an easel of Krøyer and not that thrilled with such arrogance. Even broke out the quarrel, however, has not led to a serious rift in the relationship.

Solar flare, the glow, caught and captured the elusive moment, the mood at the table all refers to the numerous impressionistic meals. In particular, there is a lot of reason to believe that one of the sources of inspiration for the creation of this painting was "Luncheon of the boating party"Renoir. Krøyer was very fond of the works of Renoir. At the same time, the painting bears the imprint of a realistic style – the landscape is painted quite carefully. Note that Krøyer in General was very good in group portraits, he often turned to this genre.

The final version was preceded by sketchesand the portraits of individual characters. The right of the picture at the stage of sketches said Swedish collector Pontus fürstenberg. When the work was finished, he bought it. In the collection of Fürstenberg and stored until then, until he donated it to the Museum of Gothenburg.

Author: Alain Esaulova