Pavlovich Alexandrov (Uvazhny)

Russia • 1771−1795

Biography and information

The son of a Royal Hayduk. A graduate of the Academy of Arts from 1776; in 1791 he received the certificate of degree 1 for the title of artist.(Kondakov)

In 1789. by order of the imp. Catherine II performs several works for the new home of the Church of the Intercession of the Saint-Petersburg Governor-General p. P. Konovnitsyn at the family estate Carova (Gdov district). Our time has come only one picture of a talented artist (see Fig.), his fate is unknown. Painting for decades, was in appalling conditions, but made of canvas and paints of such high quality that the painting has been perfectly preserved. Even quite read the artist's signature on the reverse and date: 1789, the year of construction of the Church. At the moment the picture is not only the only known surviving work of V. Vajnogo. but the only surviving memorial thing the hero of the Patriotic war of 1812. P. P. Konovnitsyn.

Also from this orig. Bambini well-known engraving by G. I. Skorodumov (RM), whose work is highly valued imp. Catherine II. Time the prints coincides with the time of writing this picture of Basil Uvinum probably the original was well known to both artists.

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