Galaktionovna Bakulina

Russia • 1905−1980

Biography and information

(1905, Moscow – 1980, ibid)

Your journey in art began in 1922, when not having the competition at MSU, I accidentally saw the announcement of a set of models in VHUTEMAS. While the model worked in the Studio of the sculptor I. Yefimov, paid attended the Studio of F. Rerberg. Married student A. Shevchenko Vasily Pochitalov, became his faithful companion for life. In the thirties, along with her husband travelled through the Caucasus, and made many sketches, sketches. Subsequently, despite the undoubted talent, she gave up work.

During his life he participated in only two exhibitions: "the Crimea and the Caucasus..." (1931) and "Artists of the RSFSR for 15 years" (1932, Leningrad, 1933, Moscow).

Posthumous exhibition Bakulina was held in 1982, 1991, 1994 ("Gathering space", gminv).

Works of the artist are stored in gminv, TG, was them. Savitsky (Nukus).


1. Hapchynska N. In. Art of the republics of the Caucasus and Central Asia. State Museum of art of the peoples of the East. Prospect. Moscow. 1992

2. Kovtun E. F., M. M. Babanazarova, Gazieva E. D. (ed. articles). The avant-garde stopped on the run. Album. Leningrad. 1989

3. Rautenberg O. Does anyone remember that we were... From the history of artistic life. 1925 – 1935. Moscow. 2004