Painter. A member of the RCP(b) since 1918. He graduated from the Moscow school of painting (1917), a pupil of A. Arkhipov. Lived in Moscow and Tarusa. Participant of exhibitions since 1914. One of the organizers AHRR (1922), before. this Association was in 1923-26. In the 1930s Chapter, the inspector FROM the people's Commissariat of the RSFSR. Landscapes "Volga landscape" (1914), "Spring" (1927), "Winter landscape" (1931), "Flowering may" (1937), "Autumn. Cloudy day" (1955), "Tarusa Okolitsa" (1960) and other works.
Born in 1891 in the village of PartUri Kazan province. Died in 1961 in Tarusa, Kaluga region, Studied at the Kazan art school (1910-1915)..And.Feshin, and at the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture (1915-1917) at A. E. Arkhipov. Exhibited from 1914 a member of the AHR since 1922 Repressed in the second half of 1938 he served in Siblag in the 1940s. One time was there with prisoner N. With.Gerasimova.