(1901, Oranienbaum - 1988, Codroipo, near Udine)
The son of Alexander Nikolaevich Benois. Honorary Member of the Academy of Arts of the USSR (1988).
Studied with his father and O.K. Allegri; in 1916-1918 - in the New Art Studio by V.I. Shukhaev and A.E. Yakovleva; in 1919-1924 - in the Petrograd free art and training workshops - AH - VKHUTEIN. He participated in the exhibitions "World of Art" 1922 and 1924.
Since 1919 in the State Theater he performed sets based on sketches by A.N. Benoit, M.V. Dobuzhinsky, B.M. Kustodieva, V.A. Schuko. After emigration, OK Allegri to Italy in 1921 - the main artist of the State Theater.
In 1924, at the invitation of the National Opera, he left for Paris. Collaborated in the theater N.F. Baliev "The Bat", the theater "Fémina". Since December 1925 he lived in Italy (citizenship since 1937). In 1925-1926 he performed sketches of sets and costumes for the “Khovanshchina” by M. Mussorgsky at the La Scala Theater in Milan, which the artistic director of the theater A. Toscanini really liked. In 1927-1932 he lived in Rome, where he worked as a set designer (from 1931 - the main artist) of the Royal Opera. From the end of 1932 he lived in Milan. In 1937-1970 - director of the staging department of the La Scala theater in Milan (126 productions; partly designed with his father). He designed performances in other theaters in Italy, in Paris, Berlin, Buenos Aires; worked as a movie artist. In 1964, 1965, 1978 he created the scenery for the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow. He developed the traditions of the set design of the Silver Age. Winner of the Golden Bibbien Award (1975).