Georgievich Bragovsky

Russia • born in 1923


1. In his native country. Exhibition of works of artists of Russia. Directory. Leningrad. Artist of the RSFSR. 1974

2. Glory to labor! All-Union art exhibition. Album. Moscow. Soviet artist. 1977

3. Baranov E., Boult, D., Lenyashin V., Lyubimova A., musakova O. and others (authors). Time for a change. Fine art 1960 – 1985 in the Soviet Union. Timing. Saint-Petersburg. 2006

From 1946 he studied at the State art Institute in Vilnius, and then continued her studies at the Moscow state art Institute. V. I. Surikov (1947-1953). His teachers were P. V. Malkov, V. G. Tsyplakov, V. V. Pochitalov, V. K. Nechitailo. Bragovsky is successfully working in almost all genres. Among his works are portraits, still lifes, landscapes, thematic compositions: "PORTRAIT of a TRACTOR driver GOLUBEVA" (1962), "the ROAD" (1963), "LAST SNOW" (1963), "SPRING IN TARUSA" (1963), "the high COMMISSIONER" (1968), "HOW WORK" (1968), "MOTHER AND SON" (1970), "PETER AND the FRUIT" (1970), "OUR FAMILY" (1971), "WORKSHOP" (1971). In the 1980s, the artist has created the monumental mural, dedicated to Moscow. Creativity Bragovskogo not affected by market changes, the artist, backed by over 50 years of creative work, and still faithful to the principles declared in the beginning. This is confirmed by the works of his last years: "the AUTUMN FLOWERS" (1993), "THAW IN TARUSA" (1994), "ON the QUILT" (1996).

Landscape, portrait, thematic painting are in the artist interpreted them as their own genres. Originality are not only a style and techniques of expression, but also the production of content-plastic problems. The traditional form of the portrait gets in the art Bragovskogo a new interpretation. The artist seeks not to transfer psychological image and the characteristic features of the model, and to create, for example, a synthesis image of childhood, adolescence, or creative solitude and concentration to give a friendly and family relations between people. Unlike the supporters of the traditional analytical approach to the portrait he always sees his task in discovering a life situation in a holistic play. His portraits are a special penetration, internal intimacy between the author and the model. Such, for example, the family cycle, "PETER AND FLOWERS", "ANNA DRAWS", "OUR FAMILY". Landscape is the area in which the painter feels especially confident. It serves as the main means of expression, the plastic form, in which the most coherent and fully expresses the intent of the artist. Right found a colorful spot determines the internal architecture of the canvas, his rhythmic organization. Landscapes Bragovskogo easily recognizable. Among the famous works include "RED HOUSE," "WINTER SUN", "BLUE VOLKHOV".

For the first time the artist presented his works at the 1st youth festival in 1954 and since 1955, has become a regular participant in all significant exhibitions in Russia and abroad. In 1971 he held his first personal exhibition in Moscow. His solo exhibitions were held in 1991 in United States (Florida) in 1992, Spain in 1996 — group exhibition in the state Tretyakov gallery (E. Bragovsky, A. Surovtsev, A. Papikyan, L. Matyushin, L. Mikhailov) 2000 — personal exhibition in Central house of artists "Art Salon-2000", in which Bragovsky was represented by creative Union of artists of Russia. In 2000 Bragovskogo was awarded the State prize of Russia.

Works Bragovskogo represented in the collections of the state Tretyakov gallery, state Russian Museum, in many art galleries in Russia and CIS countries, as well as in private collections in Germany, Japan, UK, Italy, USA, France, Czechoslovakia, Hungary and other countries.

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