Vladimirovna Brochet

Russia • born in 1967

Born in Moscow

1988 - graduated from Moscow art College named after Kalinin

1995 - graduated from the Polygraphic Institute with a degree in graphic

Group exhibition

1987 - Youth exhibition (Exhibition hall of the MOA at the Kuznetsk bridge)

1988 - exhibition "Labyrinth" Moscow Youth Palace

1989 - exhibition of the world" in the Moscow Palace of Youth

1999 - Zverev center of contemporary art exhibition "homeland or death"

2003 - "Art-Klyazma"

2004 - "Body and Culture", Museum center of Russian state University (RGGU)

2004 - "Super-woman", gallery of fine Art

2004 - "Art Moscow", Central house of artists

2004 - "Art-Klyazma"

2003 - "Art-Strelka"

2004 - "FIAC", Paris, I-20 Gallery, New York

2005 - "Egalitarianism", Museum centre of Russian state University (RGGU). (In the context of specific projects. 1 Moscow Biennale of contemporary art)

2005 - "Art Moscow", Central house of artists

2005 - "FIAC", Paris, I-20 Gallery, New York

Personal exhibitions:

2003 - "Believe in beauty?", gallery V P Studio

2005 - "Behind the mirror", gallery V P Studio, (In the parallel program. 1 Moscow Biennale of contemporary art)

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