Alexandrovich Vulokh

Russia • born in 1938

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Education: the Kazan art school (1958), VGIK (1960-1961).

Member of the CX. Getting started, I decide for myself that, for example, will not use more than two or three colors and vertical, to being in those boundaries, I did everything I could to show that I am".

Igor Vulokh – nonconformist the Soviet era, he began his career with the field, almost expressionistic sketches that already by 1965 evolved into his peculiar style. Working in the field of abstract painting, he never broke ties with nature. He is her fine observer and serves as a psychological refuge. Noticing different phenomena, bluish-grey lines, he conveys the unstoppable water, and color, the spectacular space pictures, – the movement of air. Each step in the work Vulokh intuitively felt, and at the same time supported a deep knowledge and understanding of what is happening in modern painting: from the experiences of French tachisme and American informele to school expanding, abstraction "hard corner". In the works of Vulokh, the space seems to be established by palpation, tactile study of matter. So there is no empty "untested" sections. Even when the form is reduced to a minimalist image, it pulses with hidden movement. The process of creating these works requires intensive mental and physical impact and therefore the number of works of Vulokh is not so great.

Vulokh's work is monumental in character, but their format is small. This is because a large part of the creative life workshop Vulokh occupied a small room in his Moscow apartment. "Usually when I work, imagine that work two to three times more than it actually is". In times of crisis, he repeatedly tempted to destroy many of his works, thinking that they are repeated. In fact, the genius of this artist is that his new, unique works of art – the subtlest variations of two to three plastic to those that emerged in the early period of creativity of the artist.

Igor Vulokh lives and works in Moscow. The artist's works are in the Museum of modern art in Silkeborg, Denmark, the collection of George Costakis, URSA Vestonice, private collections in Russia, France, Italy, Finland.

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