Stepanovich Gaev

Russia • 1921−2001

Schedule. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Honored art worker of the Kazakh SSR. People's artist of Kazakhstan

The article "guys Nikolai Stepanovich - artist and soldier", author: Gayev, T. N.

Born July 26, 1921 in the Urals.

In June 1941 he graduated from the Sverdlovsk art College, and at the end of November of the same year he was drafted into the Soviet Army and sent to study in the Cherkassk infantry school (which at that time was evacuated from the Ukraine in Sverdlovsk).

Graduated from College in June 1942. and the Lieutenant sent to the Kalinin front (the area West of Rzhev in the direction of Vyazma) to 64-th guards rifle regiment, 21st guards rifle division 39th army.

But I didn't really start to fight, as 39 the army was surrounded, and the young Lieutenant along with a group of soldiers from his division had to break out of the encirclement.

After leaving the environment of the company there are only four people - the rest either died or were captured, or in the confusion was in the other part. After the encirclement the remains of the division were sent to re-form in Zagorsk, then 21, the division was sent to the district of Zvenigorod and back on the Kalinin front.

In November of 1942. in the composition of the 3rd shock army, N. With. he participated in the battles for the liberation of the Great Bow. After the liberation of the Great Bow 10 months stood in the expanded breakthrough in the direction of Nevel.

His regiment N. With. was first to the post of commander machine-gun platoon, then commander of the machine gun company, adjutant of the regiment commander, and finally commander of a rifle company.

In July of 1943. joined the ranks of the CPSU.

On 5 September 1943. under Ptashinskiy height (Pskov region, Velikoluksky district) my father was in command of the reconnaissance. During the retreat after the combat mission was seriously wounded in the stomach by shrapnel from the exploding mines and sent for treatment in EG No. 3076 in Ivanovo.

After recovery N.With. was discharged as a disabled person of group III and went to her parents in Kurgan oblast.

In January 1945, N.With. was again drafted into the Soviet Army and sent to Sverdlovsk in the Ural refresher courses for the officers of infantry tactics instructor.

Nikolai Stepanovich was awarded the Order of Patriotic war II degree.

After the war ended in N. With. he was demobilized from the army, she and her family moved to Alma-ATA and since then has forever linked his life and work with Kazakhstan.

Your way artist N. With. starts at the Studio "Kazakhfilm".

In 1947. the artist was invited to the publishing house of educational literature", Kazakidis" and illustrated books, ABC books and children's books. Many books with his illustrations published so far.

From 1955 to 1962. he worked as the chief art editor in the publishing house "Catholicist" (now "Jazushi").

Under his leadership, was published, designed and illustrated hundreds of books in Russian, Kazakh and Uighur languages of Russian, Soviet, Kazakh and foreign writers.

Really Mature master artist made in the early 60-ies already in the easel, when he turned to the creation of the graphic series.

In his work, the former soldier often refers to the military theme series of linocuts "People, be vigilant!" (1960), "We were there" (1980), triptych "the Ballad of Panfilov's men" (1985), a series of portraits of heroes of the great Patriotic war (among them portraits of Heroes of the Soviet Union Mashuk Mametova, Panfilov I. V.).

All my life N. C. took an active civic position and participate in public life: enlisting in 1959. a member of the Union of artists of the USSR it is up to the end of his life he was a member of the Board of the artists ' Union of Kazakhstan from 1962 to 1965. he was Chairman of the Kazakh SSR CX, from 1964 to 1972 - Deputy Chairman of the Kazakh SSR SH.

In 1980. N. With. Guys first among Kazakhstan graphic artists received the title of people's artist of Kazakhstan.

N. With. he was awarded the Medal "For labor (1959) and the Medal "For labor valor" (1976)

The artist was subject to all kinds of graphics: drawing with pencil, ink, charcoal, pastels, linocuts, engraving on cardboard, woodcut, monotype, lithography, etching.

Works Gayev N. With. purchased by the largest museums of the USSR: the state Tretyakov gallery, State Museum of arts of the East, the Kazakh art gallery named. Shevchenko, the Kyrgyz Museum of fine arts, and Art galleries of Milan, of Washington, Berlin and Prague.

Works Gayev N. With. stored in the Museum of defense of Moscow and the Central Museum of the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945gg. as well as in numerous private collections in Russia and abroad.

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