Vasilyevich Zhukovsky

Russia • 1845−1912

The son of poet V. A. Zhukovsky was born on 1 (13) January 1845 in Frankfurt am main. He finished gymnasium in St. Petersburg. Lived in Moscow, but most of his life spent abroad (Italy, France, Germany), where he studied painting and architecture. Special art education he received.

Among his art works - paintings on religious and mythological themes, portraits, landscapes, drawings and etchings. One of his works "the virgin with the Saviour's body" was exhibited at the world exhibition in Paris in 1878 Paintings and portraits P. V. Zhukovsky stored in the State Russian Museum, Central naval Museum, the Museum of the Academy of arts and several others. One of his paintings stored in the Museum-estate of V. D. Polenov.

P. V. Zhukovsky was a member of the Moscow society of art lovers (1869-1896), the society for the encouragement of fine arts (1870), the Society of artists of historical painting (1896), was a member of the Paris circle of Russian artists, which included A. P. Bogolyubov, K. E. Makovsky, V. D. Polenov, I. E. Repin, K. A. Savitsky. The Academy of arts conferred on him in 1869 the title "of Honorary independent member," and in 1893 he was elected a full member of the Academy of arts.

P. V. Zhukovsky was familiar with Richard Wagner and developed sketches of scenery and costumes for the first performances of his Opera Parsifal at the Bayreuth theatre (Italy).

Eight years (1889-1897) P. V. Zhukovsky worked on the project of the monument to Alexander II in the Moscow Kremlin. Was a founder member of the device of the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg, participated in the development of the project of the building of the Museum of fine arts in Moscow.

In 1903 P. V. Zhukovsky took part in the 1st Tula the exhibition of paintings by local artists. In 1910 he visited G. Belev and S. Moshenskoe, the birthplace of his father. On his initiative, September 1, 1910 opened Belev Zemstvo scientific, educational and art Museum. This Museum he donated 33 paintings that were previously stored in the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. After his death in 1912 the name of P. V. Zhukovsky was awarded Belisomo Museum.


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