Vasilyevich Kuptsov

Russia • 1899−1935
Painter. The certificate of graduation from the BAH was issued on the basis of the act of the qualification commission, which considered the submitted sketches and studies of the last staging of the 4th year in the mastery.

Pskov, was born in the family of a shoemaker in March 13, 1899. The decisive event in his life was his admission in the autumn of 1913 to the mosaic department of the Pskov Art and Industry School named after N.F. Van der Flt. The decisive event in his life was his admission in the autumn of 1913 to the mosaic department of the Pskov Art and Industry School named after N.F. Fan der Flit.
Upon graduation in 1918. "With the reward and praise for practical exercises in the workshops, he was left at the mosaic workshop as a master-mentor of practical works, but in 1921 he left at the direction of Gubono to Petrograd to continue his artistic education.
Despite financial difficulties and other hardships of the time, the years of study at the Academy (Painter. Certificate of graduation from the Academy was issued on the basis of the act of the qualification commission, which considered the submitted sketches and studies of the last staging of the 4th year of the mastery) were happy for him. Kuptsov is full of strength, hopes, impressions and, despite the difficulties of communication between Pskov and Petrograd, manages to participate in art exhibitions in Pskov, invariably bringing to them a spirit of rebellion and discussion, and it is not surprising: in Petrograd he gets into a condensed atmosphere of bold, sometimes revolutionary artistic quests. He becomes a member of the "circle of artists", the association, which considered its task to create a "style of the era.
In addition, in the late 1920s Kuptsov finds himself in the field of attraction of another, even more powerful "generator" of creative ideas - Pavel Filonov, the creator of the revolutionary "analytical method" that overturned previous ideas about art. Curiously, being a passionate follower of Filonov's artistic and philosophical system, Kuptsov by no means became a mindless imitator and occupied an isolated place among his students.
By 1932, the artist had already reached creative maturity, was legitimately proud to call himself a "master explorer" and was fully absorbed in working on paintings on aviation.
There is reason to believe that his passion for airplanes originated in Pskov. Those were the years of the First World War. Kuptsov's classmate Alexey Ivanovsky recollected: "There was anxiety in the city. There were a lot of soldiers. The 7th aviation regiment arrived... In Zavelichye, an airfield was set aside - a field where cattle used to graze. Over this airfield every day Farmans and Newpores surprised spectators, i.e. gawkers, with their dead loops, barrels, immelmans... And then one day "Ilya Muromets" flew in - a miracle of then machinery, and there were 16 people on it at once. We went to see "Ilya". It was standing in the middle of the field. It could be seen and touched. It was not guarded by anyone. It was an amazing sight. We were also surprised that this huge dresser, made of plywood, did not fall apart in the air, or if not in the air, then when landing on the bumpy airfield.
Already in Kuptsov's first significant work known to us, May Day (1929), now in the Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow, the festively decorated city is shown from the height of a flying plane.
Three of Kuptsov's paintings on aviation have survived to this day: "Airplanes. Aerosev", 1931 (Pskov Museum-Reserve), "ANT-20 Maxim Gorky", 1934 (State Russian Museum) and "Airship. Air Fleet in the Service of Socialist Construction", 1933 (Museum of the Armed Forces of Russia, Moscow).
The creative path of the talented, fanatically devoted to art artist was abruptly cut short. This tragic end was in direct connection with the intensified persecution of P. Filonov and his entourage by the so-called repressive bodies. the following entry in Filonov's diary is from October 10, 1935: "Kuptsov's place was searched. They came at night - searched everything - took my Ideology of IZO, books by Bakunin and Kropotkin, which he had rewritten.
Unable to withstand the strain of waiting for his imminent arrest, Kuptsov soon hanged himself. In the memoirs of Filonov's sister, T. N. Glebova, we read: "On October 24, 1935, Filonov received a telephone call that Kuptsov had committed suicide, his brother was shocked and went the next day... to say goodbye... "As was reported in an obituary on October 28 placed in the evening edition of the Red Newspaper, "Kuptsov had lately been working on a large painting, Assault of the Gods (Tsiolkovsky's airship in the sky). For the exhibition "Industry of Socialism," he made a creative bid for the painting "Bolsheviks Assaulting the Sky" and has already begun making sketches."
(Source: The Pskov Chronicles)
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