Konstantinovich Kazakevich

Belarus • born in 1934

Biography and information

Was born on 5 may 1934 in der. The Prince Berezinsky area

In Minsk region. In 1955 he graduated from the Minsk art College, in 1961 - the Belarusian state theatre and art Institute. Studied with V. K. Tsvirko, A. P. Mozoleva, V. P. Sukhoverkhov. Diploma work - painting "Harvesting cabbage". Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

The participant of Republican art exhibitions since 1961.

Working mainly in the field of landscape: "Autumn in Braslau district" (1961), "Spring greens" (1962), "Axe mountain", "Solovetsky Islands", "Red rocks" (1966), "Blue dawn", "White nights", "the Island of Valaam" (1967), "Spring" (1969). Wrote narrative compositions: "behind enemy lines" (1964 - 1965), "the song Festival" (1969).

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