Nikolayevich Korobov

Russia • born in 1940

Biography and information

Born in the city of Tashtagol of the Kemerovo region region.

1969 Graduated from the Smolensk state pedagogical Institute. Karl Marx, art-graphic faculty.

1969 - present Professor of painting and drawing children's art school in Smolensk.

1980 member of the Union of artists of the USSR (since 1991 - member of Union of artists of Russia) .

1981 Awarded a Diploma of the Union of artists of Russian Federation "For participation in the V zone exhibition".

1988-1991 Elected to the auditing Commission of the Smolensk organization of the Union of artists of Russia.

1991 Work in the House of art "Baikal".


C 1970-participant of regional art exhibitions.

1975 Group art exhibition ( V. Korobov, and L. Azarenka), Smolensk.

1977 national art exhibition "Mine Nechernozemie", Tula.

1979 Group art exhibition ( V. Korobov, and L. Azarenka), Smolensk.

1980 V zone exhibition "Painters of non-Chernozem zone", Ryazan.

1990 VII zone exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia", Vladimir.

1991 inter-Republican exhibition "Monuments of the Fatherland in the works of artists from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine", Smolensk and Minsk.

1997 VIII regional exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia", Moscow.

Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the administration of the Smolensk region, Smolensk.

1998 Exhibition of Smolensk artists in the city of Safonovo of the Smolensk region.

Exhibition of Smolensk artists at the Military Academy of air defense.

1999 all-Russian exhibition "Russia", Moscow.

Personal exhibition in the branch of St. Petersburg industrial-construction Bank, Smolensk.

Personal exhibition in the regional library, Smolensk

Russian art exhibition "Rebirth" dedicated to the 2000th anniversary of Christianity. the city of Kostroma.

1999 all-Russian exhibition "Boldino autumn", Moscow.

2000 all-Russia exhibition "to Your Name" , Moscow .

Overseas exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus ) .

2001 Overseas exhibition of Smolensk artists in Vitebsk (Republic of Belarus) .

2002 Regional exhibition "Time. Space.Person", Gagarin, Russia .

Interregional exhibition "young Russia" , Bryansk .

2003 Regional exhibition "Artists of Central regions of Russia" , Lipetsk .

2004 international exhibition of Smolensk painters in Orsha ( Belarus ) .

2005-Personal art exhibition , Smolensk . International exhibition dedicated to the 60th anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war , Moscow .

The artist's works are kept in the Ministry of culture of Russia, in the Smolensk Museum-reserve, in art galleries p. Shumyachi and G. Gagarin, are in private collections in Russia and Germany.

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