Sergeevich Levitsky

Russia • 1840−1940

Rafail Sergeevich Levitsky was the son of a cousin of Herzen.

The volunteer at the Academy of Arts since 1866 he Received medals: in 1867 - 2 silver; in 1872 - small and two large incentive; in 1877 - the title of class artist of 3 degrees. (Kondakov)

Rafail Sergeevich Levitsky was friendly with Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov and strong under his influence as an artist. In idle years he lived and worked with him in Devichye pole, in the wing Olsufievsky house (this house written by Polenov in his painting "grandmother's garden").

Preserved memories of the artist Raphael Sergeevich Levitsky about the academic exhibition, which 18 Sep 1869, wrote Vasily Dmitrievich Polenov in Moscow: "the Exhibition is open from yesterday, the audience a little which also dissatisfied with the exhibition. Have I ever told you about the bust of the Mikeshin, Vilalonga some Opekushin, a wonderful thing to work and the similarities... Whether this bust is painted, I would bet that Mikeshin put himself... The same a exposed bust Komisarova" (the punctuation and spelling of the author of the letter. - O. D.).

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