Petrovich Lezhnev

Russia • 1888−1956

Biography and information

(14.3.1888, S. Sukmana Tambov. lips. - 11.3.1956, Ufa), Honoured. deyat. the arts of the USSR (1940). Member. Artists ' Union (AU), BASSR from 1937. In 1912-14 he studied at the school of painting and sculpture V. N. Meshkov (Moscow). From 1914 he lived and worked in Ufa. Member of the Ufa the society of art lovers (1914-18). In 1919-1925, he headed the art Studio at OHIM. well.-D. workshops. In 1926-37 taught drawing and painting at the Bash. College of the arts, simultaneously. in Rus. PED. Uch-school and College Road. Participant of exhibitions: resp. (1919), Zaruba. "Artists of the national Borderlands of the Soviet Russia" (1929, San Diego, USA). Worked in the genre East. paintings, portrait, landscape. DOS. prod.: "The assault on the Ufa troops Pugachev in 1773" (1928, Historical Museum), "the Capture of Salavat" (1930, Art Museum. M. V. Nesterov).

Lit.: Exhibition of paintings of the artist A. P. Lezhneva: Directory. Ufa, 1939.

(the author I. N. Oskina)

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