Innokentievna Matveeva

Russia • 1894−1968

A native of Krasnoyarsk, it after art school he entered the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. At the same time attended the private Studio of V. M. Meshkov, and K. F. Yuon. Returning in 1917 to Krasnoyarsk Matveeva took an active part in the artistic life of the city. At the exhibition of 1948, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Surikov, Matveeva showed the large painting "Krasnoyarsk time childhood V. I. Surikov" - one of his best works in the figurative theme. The picture takes us to the old Krasnoyarsk. It seem to be alive the images of Krasnoyarsk. Can be attributed to the number of successes of the artist's paintings: "the Search in the apartment VI Lenin in Shusha", "the retreat of the Germans at Moscow", "Meeting the partisans", "the Bulb of Ilyich". In all the pictures, staying within the limits of observation of life, K. I. Matveev captured their relationship to people, their feelings and thoughts. That is why, free of imitation, and her works attract sincerity and truthfulness.

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