He graduated from art - industrial College (former Bogolyubov drawing school) in 1926, the specialty technique of decorative painting and lithography. 1924. - lecturer in lithography in the graphic Department of the College. After the end of the - teacher graphics, drawing, painting and lithography, he worked in this position until 1963. Participant of regional, jubilee regional exhibitions. Honored worker of culture. Member of artists Union of Russia.B.In.Milovidov since 1928.constantly worked in the field of book grafikiv Volga book publishing house, having received more than one hundred and fifty books of fiction, popular scientific literature. One of the organizers of the cooperative Association "Artist" in 1930 and the Saratov branch of Union of artists of USSR in 1937. The participant of the great Patriotic war. From the first days of war before mobilization and after returning to Saratov was one of the authors of the posters, "Information Windows". Since 1923, has participated in many exhibitions. BV Milovidov - artist, graphic artist, author of a number of thematic paintings that many of the Volga landscapes, still lifes. In the chart-master poster, animal painter, book designer, Illustrator. Early landscapes of the artist bear traces of the strong influence of P. S. Utkin, and A. I. Savinova, his teachers. He later turns to a more traditional painting. "...Landscape as a genre is a work born as a result of human experience caused by the contact with nature. Because nature affects the character of people and their dialect, songs, all folk art. In state of the art... the main thing - the expression of thoughts, feelings, attitude, all that can be called the spiritual atmosphere of the time. I wanted my scenic landscapes to Express this spiritual atmosphere of our time."
Studied in CFS (1918-1926) in M. V. Kuznetsova, A. I. Savinova, P. S. Utkin. Taught at CFS on the graphics Department (1925-1963). Worked as a graphic designer and Illustrator in the Volga book publishing house, issued the book "Stepan Razin" by S. Zlobin; "colas breugnon" by R. Rolland, "Great expectations" Charles Dickens, "Marvel" N. Ledentsov. VOV. Participant of exhibitions since 1920. A member of the artists Union since 1937. The Chairman of the Saratov Department of agriculture (1943-1947). Honored worker of culture of the RSFSR (1971).
Artists Of Saratov: SPR. / Ed. text N.G.Zvenigorod. Saratov, 1994. P. 47.
• CA. Sov. Fig. art. T. I. S. 138, 163, 179, 191, 227, 261, 295; T. II. P. 58, 178, 390; T. III. C. 140, 163, 174, 185, 369, 386; T. IV. P. 340, 341; Vol. V. Pp. 54, 170.
• Chronicle of the artistic life of Saratov. C. 51-56, 61, 62, 65, 68-71, 76, 86, 93, 101-103, 107, 109.
• Milovidov B. V. Is happiness // the Communist. 27.10.1963.
• B. V. Milovidov: Booklet. Saratov, 1963.
• Artists Of Saratov: Album / AVT.-comp. V. Danilov. L., 1963. P.13.
• Milovidov B. V. With thoughts about the Homeland]. 15.06.1969.
• Cat. CA. proizv. khudozh. Milovidova Boris. Painting. Graphics. Figure. Lithography. Posters. Saratov, 1976.
• B. V. Milovidov Memories // Savinov I. A. Letters. Documents. Memories. L., 1983. P. 258-261.
• Rus. and owls. painting. Vol.I. Saratov. Ed. SGHM them. A. N. Radishcheva. 1956. S. 85.
• Arbitman E. N. Fine art in the art world in Saratov at the turn of XIX-XX centuries // the World of the Russian provinces and provincial culture. SPb, 1997. S. 119.
• The water-carrier E. I. Saratov art College in first decade after the revolution (1918-1922) // museology and art education: Materials of III, IV, V Bogolyubov readings 1996, 1997, 1998. Saratov, 2000. P. 76.
• Abramov A. Our search supported // museology and art education: Materials of III, IV, V Bogolyubov readings 1996, 1997, 1998. Saratov, 2000. Pp. 101, 103.
• Milovidova I. B. B. V. Milovidov – artist and teacher // museology and art education: Materials of III, IV, V Bogolyubov readings 1996, 1997, 1998. Saratov, 2000. P. 109-123.
• Arbitman E. N. The concept of the "Saratov school" // V. E. Borisov-Musatov and "Saratov school": Materials of VII Bogolyubov readings. Saratov, 2001. P. 37-38.
CA. paintings Sarat. school of painting. Saratov. 1923. P.8.
• 4th exhibition of Sarat. hood-cov. Saratov, 1924.
• CA. paintings. Saratov, 1924, b.with.
• CA. paintings, drawings and sculpture. Saratov, 1925, b.with.
• Exhibition of works of students of the Saratov art College. Saratov, 1925.
• Exhibition of painting, sculpture, drawings. Saratov, 1925. P. 8
• CA. painting, sculpture, drawings. Saratov, 1925. C. 16.
• Second springs. CA. paintings. Saratov, 1925, b.with. P.5.
• CA. paintings, drawings, sculpture, and architecture Shared-hood VA-cov "4 art". M., 1926. C. 10.
• 5-I, proceedings of jubilee. CA. paintings Sarat. school of painting. Saratov, 1927. P.4.
• CA. drawings, paintings, sculptures. Saratov, 1927.
• CA. Society of artists "4 art". L., 1928. P.8.
• CA. paintings, drawings, sculpture, and architecture Shared-hood VA-cov "4 art". M., 1929. P.9.
• CA. "Art into the masses": XI-CA. AHR. M., 1929.
• Exhibition of works of artists - teachers of isoceles. M.-L., 1937. P. 9, 14.
• 4-I Sarat. . art. CA. proizv. painting, graphics, sculpture and architecture. Saratov, 1940. P. 11, 20.
• Exhibition of works by art Cove Union republics, Autonomous republics and oblasts of the RSFSR. Moscow-Leningrad, 1945.
• CA. works of Sarat. hood-cov. Saratov, 1947. C. 18.
• Exhibition, held in the days of the 50th anniversary of CFS. Saratov, 1948. P. 9, 19.
• Obl. reporting art. CA. 1952. Saratov, 1953. P.11.
• Obl. khudozh. CA. 1954. Saratov, 1955. Pp. 7, 12.
• Obl. khudozh. CA. 1955. Saratov, 1955. P. 8, 28.
• Lermontov TV ve Sarat. hood-cov. Saratov, 1963. P.12.
• Artists Of Saratov. 1963. Saratov, 1964. P.11.
• Exhibition of works of artists of Saratov region in 1964. Saratov, 1964. P. 8-9.
• CA. books, charts and posters, internat. The 50th anniversary of the gas. "The truth". Saratov, 1965. P.12.
• Obl. khudozh. CA. 1966. Saratov, 1968. P. 8, 13.
• Regional art exhibition, devoted to the 50 anniversary of the Komsomol. 1968. Saratov, 1972. P.6.
• Proceedings of jubilee. . CA. Sarat. hood Cove, internat. The 50th anniversary of Soviet power.. 1967. Saratov, 1972. P. 34.
• Proceedings of jubilee. zones. the. khudozh. CA. "Great Volga", internat. 50-anniversary of Sov. state-VA. Volgograd, 1967.
• Obl. khudozh. exhibition, internat. The 50th anniversary of the Komsomol. 1968. Saratov, 1972. P.6.
• 3-I zonal art exhibition "Big Volga" dedicated to 100 anniversary of Lenin's birth. Ulyanovsk. 1969-1970. L., 1970. P.37.
• Obl. khudozh. CA. Sarat. hood Cove, internat. 100th anniversary of birth. V. I. Lenin. Saratov, 1973. P.12.
• Obl. CA. proizv. Sarat. painters, graphics and sculptors, internat. XXIV Congress of the CPSU. 1971. Saratov, 1977.
• Regional art exhibition, devoted to the 50 anniversary of the USSR formation. 1972. Saratov, 1974. S. 15.
• So to build a bridge. Saratov. 1972.
• Regional art exhibition, devoted to 30-anniversary of Victory in the great Patriotic war. 1975. Saratov, 1977. P. 14, 21.
• Move. CA. Sarat. hood Cove veterans, internat. The 30th anniversary of the Victory over fascism. Vol, 1975.
• Obl. khudozh. CA. "Khud-Ki Saratov - XXV Congress of the CPSU". Saratov, 1977. P.20.
• Proceedings of jubilee. khudozh. CA. hood Cove war veterans. Saratov, 1977. S. 8, 9.
• Artists Of Saratov. 1885-1985: an Exhibition for the 100th anniversary SGHM them. A. N. Radishcheva. Saratov, 1991.
• Exhibition "ISK-in illustrations", internat. The 75th anniversary Privolzh. kN. ed. Saratov, 1995.
"Communist": 14.03.1941; 03.08.1967 (the Khitrov S. Laboratory of painting); 28.04.1946; 03.07.1955; ?. 12.1954; 19.12.1955; 02.04.1971 (In focus – contemporary); 21.02.1973 ("honoring the artist"); 04.03.1973 (lake R. His palette); 18.04.1975 (Stepanov Y. Chronicle of the road to victory); 10.11.1935; 06.06.1959; 10.06.1959; 15.05.1960; 03.08.1960; 16.12.1960; 19.05.1962 (Prokopenko L. Exhibition of book graphic and poster); 22.03.1963 (Milovidov B. the way of realism); 12.03.1964; 12.05.1965; 13.07.1965; 01.08.1967; 03.08.1967 (photo); 16.11.1968; Protocl. P. No. 4, exp.671; 15.01.1972; 18.03.1972; 18.07.1972 (Moskvichev I. the Artist and the time); 21.12.1972; 25.01.1973 ("Honorary title"); 04.03.1973 (lake R. His palette); 19.06.1975; 16.08.1975; 30.04.1975 ("Weapon of art"); 28.07.1976 (lake R. Diversity of talent"); 02.07.1976 (Grigoriev, R. CA. the oldest khud-ka); 12.06.1982 (A. Simonov Stood the test of time); 18.05.1985 (Krylova V. the Authors are veterans); 28.05.1989 (lake R. So dear, recognizable Volga); 21.02.1991 (Kostina O. Love Russia)
• "Communist" (Engels): 07.12.1990 (Shumilova L. Teacher artists); 25.12.1990 (Abramova I. the Soul of creativity).
• "Volga". 1975. No. 1. P. 170-173 (Ozernaya R.); 1998. 32-3. S. 169 (Abramov A. Our search supported)
• "Cement". 10.07.1976 (Berezina N. B. V. Milovidov).
• "Sarat. news". 28.01.1927 (M. A. In exhibition painting).
• "Dawn of youth". 01.04.1972.
• "Saratov": 29.11.1997. S. 3 (Proskuryakova, N. His brush, he stopped a lot of beautiful moments)
• "Saratovskie Vesti": 25.03.1993 (Sidorova N. And Zaton, and Razboieni); 16.04.1997 S. 3 (Akishin V. Yustitsky smoked, Utkin laughed, Arinin brewed tea).