Vasilyevich Orlov

Russia • born in 1945

Orlov V. V., 1945. birth, a graduate of the Saratov hood. school, youth, group, regional, zonal and foreign exhibitions.

Works are in the Saratov and Samara hood. museums, galleries and private collections in Russia, Finland, Israel, Germany, France, Holland, Brazil, USA.

Vadim Orlov is an artist a kind of parody of the grotesque, picturesque, mischievous clown. Choosing the most exotic story, willingly resorting to a marked exaggeration of the figures, looks very real, but entirely fictional, it enhances the eccentricity just ironic masquerade, born of the intricate logic of his raging imagination. The method of the artist has an element of "suspension" situations, translation of the motif of being in the world of entities. It's noticeable in works that contain elements of the genre or portrait.

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