Fedorovich Podgornov

Russia • born in 1926

Biography and information

Lit.: Chelyabinsk: encyclopedia. - Ed. Rev. and extra -Chelyabinsk, 2001. - S. 656.

(R. 15.02.1926, pp. Discord Kamyzyaksky district Astrakhan region.), painter, member. The Union of artists of Russia (1998), participant Led. Otech. war. Since 1944, technical Sergeant. service academic tank. regiment (Biysk, Kaluga, Ukraine), 30 academic tank. the regiment in Person. Between 1947 and studied at art school CHTZ under arms-tion of S. E. Blazhevicha. In 1958 he graduated from the Penza art. Uch-school them. K. A. Savitsky (I. S. Goryushkin-Sorokopudov). In 1951-61, the founder and owner. the art Studio of Palace of pioneers and schoolchildren them. N. K. Krupskaya. From 1961 graphic designer, 1973-78 / artist of Arts. Fund CASH. Ed. scenic production. different genres, mostly. landscapes, different lyric. perceptions of the nature, eg., under the name. “Early spring. Chelyabinsk forest”. Work exhibited at the mountains., region, zones. exhibitions (Sverdlovsk, Perm, Pers., Ufa); picture of “the Fifth Komsomol CMP” – the 3rd exhibition production. painting “Russian province” (Person, 1999) vseros. the exhibition production. painting (Moscow, 2001); “the first Parade of tractors CHTZ on red square. 1933” – all-Russian. the exhibition “to thy Name” (Moscow, 2000). In private collections abroad are works: “Winter on the Red Rock. Lake Uvildy” (Harbin, China); “Anxious” (England); sketches of “Christmas fun” (France). Awarded the medal “For Victory over Germany in the great Patriotic war 1941-1945” (1946).

Karmanova E. V., T. A. Mamykina

Lit.:50 years of Victory: Chelyab. artists – veterans of the great Patriotic. war of 1941-1945, H, 1995.

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