Alexander Yuryevich Averyanov was born on November 29, 1950 in Chekhov, Moscow region. Widely known as a master of battle scenes. Many of his paintings are on display at the Borodino Panorama Museum, the Borodino Field Museum and the Military Historical Museum of 1812 in Maloyaroslavets. A. Averyanov also helped the People's Artist of Russia N. S. Prysekin in creating the panorama "Battle of Kursk" (Moscow, Poklonnaya Gora).
"...The scale of the work is striking, which is generally characteristic of paintings of the battle genre. A serious battalist acts not only as a battalionist, but also as a subtle and inquisitive historian and researcher. For A. Averyanov not only the pathos of a multi-figure battle is important but also every detail in the depiction of the battle and its participants. That's why his works surprise with the organic unity of the completed composition, faithfulness to the history and vividness of the palette, making the viewer not at all an outside observer From the book "1000 Russian Artists. The Big Collection" Moscow: Bely Gorod, 2006
Paintings of battle battles by A. Y. Averyanov, such as: "The Battle of Maloyaroslavets on October 12 (24), 1812," "Prince P.I. Bagration in the Battle of Borodino. The Last Counterattack," "The Battle of Smolensk," etc., are exhibited in history museums in various cities of our country, along with historical portraits such as "Veteran," "Merry Dragoon" and others.
"His paintings, which decorate museums and private collections today, attract with equal force both the inexperienced viewer, the military historian, and the professional art connoisseur. Each of them shows the serious work of a real master. Everything impresses: the virtuoso mastery of large compositions, the abundance of details that do not violate the unity of the picturesque canvas, the wonderful colors, conveying both the freshness of a winter morning and the midday summer heat. Many, sometimes elusive components make up an impression that does not allow you to confuse Averyanov's paintings with works by other artists, and makes you return to them again and again A.Kibovsky. The History of Russia in the Paintings of Contemporary Artists. Moscow: Maria Memorial Charitable Foundation, 2007.
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