Avksentievich Seryakov

Russia • 1824−1881

1824-1-28 - 1881-1-2

Studied engraving on wood is self-taught. In 1843 he served as a clerk in the Department of military settlements. Since 1847, attended classes at the Academy of fine arts. In 1853 the title of a free artist; in 1858, sent to the pensioner abroad; in 1859, the term pensionerstva was continued. In 1864, the title of academician of engraving on wood; in 1866 he received the title of engraver to His Majesty for the portrait of the Emperor Alexander II and was canonized in the Imperial Hermitage. Started the school engraver on wood; particularly stood out by his disciple V. Matai.


Endowed with great talent, L. A. Seryakov unusually much to development in Russia of wood engraving - woodcuts. To him, this technique was considered secondary, not going to any comparison with classic engraving on copper. The block printing was used mainly publishers, because it allows you to print illustrations and typesetting the text on the same page. It Seryakov fundamentally changed the way on this very old technique of engraving. For the consummate skill he was the first in Russia was awarded the title of academician of engraving on wood. Thanks to the selfless work and the work brought up by Sarakovik students woodcut has taken a worthy place among the other arts.

The childhood and youth of the future artist was bleak. The son of a serf, given to the landlord as a soldier, he belonged to the so-called military Department, it is doomed for life to Drudge lower rank. Saved Seryakov natural talent and stubborn character.

In 1840, he gets to St. Petersburg for a good handwriting clerk was transferred to the Department of military settlements. It is here Seryakov seriously addicted to reading and drawing. Skillfully executed drawings attracted the attention of his superiors, and after passing a short training course the young man was identified by the surveyor.

To experiment with woodcuts Seryakov addressed independently. Tools for work he was not, and most of his first prints - illustrations for the book "around the world" (1846) - he cut an ordinary penknife. These works have contributed to some fame Seryakov among publishers and writers. Through V. F. Odoevsky, for which Seryakov executed the plan of his estate, the novice Carver met with N. V. A Puppeteer. Last played an extremely important role in the life of Seryakov by entering it in the circle of famous artists, writers and actors. It Puppeteer, astonished that his fine engravings Seryakov carries a pocket knife, sent to him special tools - graver shapes. Puppeteer, contrary to the will of his superiors Seryakov helped the young man to get permission to attend classes at the Academy.

The first real teacher Seryakov in the field of wood engraving was K. Klodt, brother of the famous sculptor, the head of a small engraving shop. Seryakov approached and have made friends with this talented family.

Support was provided to him as Vice-President of AH F. P. Tolstoy and rector V. K. Shebuev, Professor of historical painting by FA Bruni.

The first attempt to obtain the title of academician in the spring of 1858 was unsuccessful. However, Seryakov asks AH Council permission to run as a new program to the song "carrying the cross" from the eponymous paintings by del Piombo, and in the meantime to give him the opportunity to go to Paris for excellence.

In the fall of 1858 Seryakov went to France. In Russia, he returned six years later, in addition to visiting France, Switzerland, Italy and Germany. Seryakov came not only a brilliant master, but European celebrity. It works in a large number of published one of the oldest French magazines "Magazine Pittoresque". In the years 1859-60. in Paris, he published "History of France" by P. shartona for which Seryakov etched a series of portraits.

In October 1864, after the show at the academic exhibition of portrait prints, made abroad, Seryakov was awarded the title of academician.

In the second half of the 1860s, the artist enthusiastically translates into a woodcut portrait of the work of D. G. Levitsky. A kind of masterpiece was his own image A. F. Kokorin, and in 1869 he was awarded the OPH.

This time around Seryakov has already started to form a group of students, developed a school of masters of woodcuts. January 1865 Seryakov taught engraving at the Drawing school of the OPH, and later in TSUTR. Among the educated they are the most talented engravers were A. I. Zubchaninov, I. Matyushin, J. F., Yanenko, N. And brown and favorite students - P. F. Borisov, and V. V. Matai.

Over the years the work Seryakov executed together with the students to 900 prints. Over 500 prints had their own signature of the master. Among the most significant of his works are reproductions for the magazine "world illustration" and "Niva", which Seryakov began working with 1869, as well as 30 portraits of Russian historical figures (together with I. I. Panov) for the publication of "national history" (1873-80), the loop of the 56 portraits annexed to the rooms of the magazine "Russkaya Starina" in the period 1870-81., wonderful engravings for the book "Pavlovsk. Essay on the history and description. 1777-1877", unique edition large format with many illustrations, vignettes, initials.

In 1880, the health of the artist, undermined labour intensive, has deteriorated sharply. On the advice of doctors, he went to the mountains near nice. But here, the terminally ill, Seryakov not cease to work. He starts engraving the portrait of the historian S. M. Soloviev, however, does not have time to bring work to the end.

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