Timofeevich Chizhonkov

Russia • 1930−2008

Biography and information

Painter. Member of the Union of artists of the USSR.

Born in 1930 in Tula region, village of Naryshkino. In 1956 - graduated from the Moscow art. school "Memory 1905". In 1962 he graduated from Moscow GOV't. khudozh. Institute. V. I. Surikov, faculty of easel painting. Member of the Ministry of agriculture. since 1964 Participant of Moscow, Republican, all-Union exhibitions. 1967 - the Tretyakov gallery bought the painting "in 1942. Train of mercy". Works are in private collections in Russia and abroad.

(1930, p. Naryshkino, Tula region – 2008, Moscow)

In 1956 graduated from the Moscow art school memory 1905, in 1962 with honors – the Moscow State Art Institute. VI Surikov (workshop VG Tsyplakova).

In 1964 he joined the Union of Artists of the USSR. Master of genre painting, natural landscape.

Exhibition activity began in 1959 (the exhibition "Kuzbass in the construction of the seven-year period"). Also participated in large-Union exhibitions: "On guard for peace" (to the 20th anniversary of the Soviet victory in the great Patriotic war), the 100th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Lenin, "the steppes" (to the 60th anniversary of the Soviet Union).

Solo exhibition was held in 2006 in Moscow.

Works are in State Tretyakov Gallery (painting "in 1942. Train of mercy", 1967), regional art museums of Russia.

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