Georgievich Shaporin

Russia • born in 1915

Biography and information

He graduated from the School-Studio of MKHAT (1947, art.-staged f-t). 1934 graphic designer in various. institutions in Leningrad. From 1946 he worked in the Center. children's t-ré, 1955-66 chief designer of the Novosibirsk t-RA "Red torch". 1966. artist Mosk. AMD. t-RA im.Pushkin. Were also made performances in. Mosk. and provincial t-RAH.

Member of the Union of artists of the USSR. Laureate of the State prize of the USSR. A pupil of Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, Vladimir Dmitriev (the staging faculty of School-Studio of Moscow art theatre, 1942-46). Worked in the Central children's theatre, was the chief designer of the Novosibirsk "red torch" (1955-66) and the Moscow theater named after Pushkin (1966-95). Worked in different theatres of the country – in the Saratov youth Theatre issued a "Marriage of Balzaminov", the Ekaterinburg Opera "the dawns here are quiet", in the Moscow art theatre – "the Rebellion". At theatre of a name of Pushkin have "Dramatic song" (Nikolai Ostrovsky), "Chocolate soldier" by George Bernard Shaw and Goncharov "Oblomov". The composer's son Y. (G.)A. Shaporin.