Borisovich Grigoriev

Russia • born in 1960

Thesis in the CVC - a series of prints of "Kamchatka" rating - excellent. The training took place in the graphical Department (1978-1985). Qualified graphic artist.

1960. – was born in Leningrad.

1978. – graduated from secondary art school at the Academy of arts of the USSR.

1984. – graduated from the Institute of painting, sculpture and architecture. I. E. Repin.

Since 1983. – takes part in art exhibitions in Russia and abroad.

1988. – member of the Union of artists of Russia.

From 1986 to 1988. – he was an honorary fellow of the Union of artists of Russia.

Since 1992. – fellow Gal'perti, worked and studied the art of the Renaissance in Italy.

1994. – taught at the art College in Baden-Baden (Germany).

Works in painting, easel graphics, sculpture and object photography.

Personal exhibitions:

1989. in Landesjugendring Hamburg, Germany

1990. in the gallery Profile, Cham, Germany

1992. – Rotari club, Colico, Italy

1993. in the gallery of the Centro Culturale Fontanella Borghese, Rome, Italy

1993. – in the gallery 10-10, Saint Petersburg

1994. – in the gallery Bierhinkel, Rheinau-Freistett, Germany

1994. in the Art Collegium gallery, St. Petersburg

1996. in the Museum Ettlingen castle, Ettlingen, Germany.

1996. – in the gallery Bierhinkel, Rheinau-Freistett, Germany.

1996. – the State Museum of history of St. Petersburg, in the Peter and Paul fortress

1996. – in the gallery Licht + Wohnen, Karlsruhe, Germany

1997. in the gallery of the old curiosity Shop, St. Petersburg

1997. in the castle Museum Borbek, Essen, Germany

1998. – in the gallery Bierhinkel, Rheinau-Freistett, Germany

1999. – gallery Ott, düsseldorf, Germany

1999. in the gallery of the Ruhrverband, Essen, Germany.

2000. – in the art center Hugo, Ameland, the Netherlands

2000. – in the gallery Bierhinkel, Rheinau-Freistett, Germany.

2000. – in the Palette gallery, St. Petersburg

2001. in the Museum of the Schelmen-Turm, Monheim, Germany

2001. – in the gallery Vinitzky, Munich, Germany

2002. – in the gallery Bierhinkel, Rheinau-Freistett, Germany

2003. in the gallery of the magazine New world art - project "Hagakure" (book of samurai)

2004. – gallery Ott, düsseldorf

2004. – in the gallery Trautmann, Essen

2005. in the SPAS gallery, Saint Petersburg

2007. in the gallery ART re.FLEX, Saint-Petersburg

2009. - in the marble Palace, State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

Group exhibitions:

1990. Gallery Berendsohn, Hamburg, Germany. The exhibition "Blue times"

1992. – Exhibition "TIAS", Tokyo, Japan

1993. – Exhibition "Tokyo Art Expo", Tokyo, Japan

1994. – Exhibition-competition Laffitte, France. Awarded a gold medal.

1995-2001. – Exhibition "Art of St. Petersburg", Central exhibition hall, St. Petersburg

2001. – "Abstraction in Russia – XX century". Timing

2001. – "Russian erotic photography" Luke A. Gallery, London.

2002. – Exhibition "Five Russian artists" in Luke A. Gallery, London.

2002. – "Art of St. Petersburg from the collections MANEGE", Manege, St. Petersburg

2004. – Biennale of photography, Moscow house of photography, the project "Hagakure" (book of samurai)

2007- "Voyage of the black square", State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

2008 - "Power of water" State Russian Museum, St. Petersburg

The Museum's collection

The state Russian Museum, Saint Petersburg; State Tretyakov gallery, Moscow; Peter and Paul fortress, St. Petersburg; Museum “Schloss Ettlingen”, Germany; Museum “Schloss Borbek”, Germany;

The modern art Museum “Centro Fontanella Borghese” in Rome, Italy

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