Vladimirovich Sherwood

Russia • 1871−1954

A Native Of Moscow. He received his primary artistic education in the workshop of his father, Mr I. Sherwood, academician of painting, who worked in the field of architecture and sculpture. Studied in MUZHVZ (1886-1891) S. I. Ivanov. After moving to St. Petersburg, studied at vhu at IAH (1892) by A. R. von Bock and V. A. Beklemishev. For the thesis, "Han and slave," received a large gold medal (1898). A pensioner IAH in Italy and France (1899-1902), was in Paris at a private Academy R. Julien O. Rodin and E. A. Bourdelle. Lived in St. Petersburg – Petrograd – Leningrad. Worked in monumental and easel and memorial sculpture. Performed gravestones writers G. I. Uspensky (1904) and N. G. Garin-Mikhailovsky (1907), – Mostki, Volkovo cemetery, St Petersburg; monument to Admiral S. O. Makarov in Kronstadt (1914). Founding member of New society of artists in St. Petersburg (1903-1917); member of the Union of sculptors, artists of Petrograd (1917). Joined their students in a Partnership of young sculptors (March 1917) workshop with L. V. Sherwood, which in may of the same year joined the "left" block of the Union of artists (1917-1918, Petrograd). Participated in the implementation of Lenin's plan of monumental propaganda, made the bust of A. N. Radishchev (1919) and the monument to A. I. Herzen (1918) in Petrograd. In the 1940s he worked on projects of monuments I. E. Repin, I. I. Mechnikov, P. Tretyakov, A. S. Pushkin, V. I. Surikov. Honored art worker of the RSFSR (1946). He taught at PGSKHUM (1918-1921), AH (1921-1923), VKHUTEMAS (1923-1925), Vhuteine (1925-1930), INPHI (1930-1932), LINGAS (1932-1937), KHI (1937-1939), MGHI (1939-1941). Professor of sculpture, doctor of arts. The author of the book "the way of the sculptor" (Leningrad-Moscow, 1937). Personal exhibition in Leningrad (1952).

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